Teller Report

The flood inundated the village "black boss" but saw a "business opportunity" in it

9/10/2020, 11:34:53 PM

  Gao Jiangang used to be a small well-known business owner in Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. He usually drove a luxury car and lived in a mansion. He was called "Boss Gao". He seemed to be successful in his career and happy. But what was unexpected was that a flood drove him and the underworld organization he led out to show his true colors.   Recently, the prosecution was fi

  Gao Jiangang used to be a small well-known business owner in Wangcheng District, Changsha City, Hunan Province. He usually drove a luxury car and lived in a mansion. He was called "Boss Gao". He seemed to be successful in his career and happy.

But what was unexpected was that a flood drove him and the underworld organization he led out to show his true colors.

  Recently, the prosecution was filed by the Wangcheng District Procuratorate in Changsha City, and the court made a first-instance verdict on the case of Gao Jiangang and other 16 people who organized, led, and participated in a triad organization.

  The owner of the company is called "Helping Farmers to Clean the Mud", but actually stealing river sand

  In July 2017, due to continuous rainfall, the water level of the Xiangjiang River rose, and the Weishui River in Wangcheng District, Changsha City reached the highest water level in history. The Baisha embankment of Huanghualing Village broke and the torrential flood flooded the village and fertile fields... After the flood receded, A large amount of sediment has accumulated on the original rice field.

  While local villagers were worried about how to resume production, Gao Jiangang saw a "business opportunity" from it.

He invited Yan Yi, Wang Xuhong and others to sign an agreement with the local village organization in the name of restoring the destroyed rice fields. It was agreed that Gao Jiangang was responsible for clearing the mud and sand in the farmland of the local village organization with the purpose of restoring rice cultivation.

But in fact, Gao Jiangang "the drunk man's intention is not to drink." His ultimate goal is to dig high-quality river sand near the breach to make huge profits.

  Without obtaining a mining license, Gao Jiangang and others transferred more than ten excavators and sand suction boats to work overnight, and within a few days they made hundreds of thousands of yuan in profits from illegal mining and selling of river sand.

  "Gao Jiangang is well-known in the society. He has a group of younger brothers who do things. Others dare not want to be presumptuous in front of him." This is the reason why one of Gao Jiangang's shareholders, Wang Xuhong, cooperated with him in sand mining. However, as a shareholder, Gao Jiangang does not help other companies. For the benefit of shareholders, he often did a left-handed-right-handed business, selling Hesha to his gang members Li Ruofeng, Wang Cheng and others at a price of 1,400 yuan per car. At that time, the market price of Hesha had reached 1,800 per car. Yuan, thus also buried the lead of "fire merger" among shareholders.

  While Gao Jiangang and others robbed the river sand to make great profits, the villagers in Baishayuan had trouble sleeping and eating. The frantic digging by more than ten excavators and sand suction boats not only caused huge damage to the river embankment, but also to nearby villagers. Our lives and property pose a threat.

  As a result, the villagers reported to the local government and the urban management department, and the competent department's notice ordering the suspension of work has also been sent to the sand mining point many times. However, Gao Jiangang and others still clean the mud during the day and dig the sand at night in the name of clearing the farmland.

  At this time, the shareholders of Gao Jiangang Company were also in constant conflict because Gao Jiangang was in the middle and lowered the price and forced to sell Hesha to his Ma Tsai, Li Ruofeng and Wang Cheng.

With Gao Jiangang’s acquiescence, Li Ruofeng, Wang Cheng and others gathered people to the sand digging site to make disturbances with lethal weapons on many occasions to prevent Yan Yi and Wang Xuhong from selling Hesha to others. The two sides finally broke their faces and Yan Yi hired someone to take Li Ruofeng, Wang Cheng was slashed and bloody conflict broke out.

  On October 25, 2018, the public security agency filed an investigation against Gao Jiangang, Yan Yi, Wang Xuhong and others on suspicion of illegal mining.

In the process of handling the case, a criminal organization involved in criminal activities such as loan sharking, violent debt collection, forcible projects, and involvement in civil disputes emerged in Wangcheng District.

  "Black Boss" established company usury loan nearly 200 million

  It turned out that before the establishment of the company, Gao Jiangang had committed crimes of violent debt collection, illegal detention, and gatherings for fights, but the number was small and the personnel were scattered.

In order to obtain a stable source of economic resources, and to conceal criminal activities in a legal manner, and strengthen the management and control of its Ma Tsai, on September 4, 2012, Gao Jiangang and Zhou Zheng partnered to establish Changsha Yibo Company.

Since then, they have been engaged in activities such as loan sharking and opening casinos in the name of the company, and their economic strength has been continuously strengthened, and part of the acquired property has been used to support the activities of the organization. The establishment of the company is a landmark event in the formation of the underworld organization.

  With the establishment of Yibo, a triad organization with a large number of people, a tight structure, a clear hierarchy, and a clear division of labor has gradually formed.

  From September 2012 to October 2018 alone, a triad organization with Gao Jiangang and Zhou Zheng as its organization and leaders, and Li Ruofeng and Wang as its backbone members, issued usury loans of more than 178 million yuan and actually made more than 36.4 million yuan in profits.

  In January 2014, Zhou Zheng teamed up with others to use special cards and other means to "kill a thousand pigs". The victim Xu was "hunted" at the gaming table and lost 920,000 yuan in gambling in a few hours.

After that, Zhou Zheng made verbal threats over the phone several times and led Ma Tsai Yanjun to the car dealership run by Xu and his hometown to collect collections. Xu was unable to repay and ran away to hide his debts.

Yan Jun said, "Zhou Zheng asked us to spray paint on the exterior walls and glass doors of Xu's store, scribble'pay the debts' and other big characters, and go to his old house to collect the accounts, every Mid-Autumn Festival and Spring Festival. In front of the neighbors in the neighborhood, he asked his parents to pay the debts, utter ruthless words and write big characters, which affected the reputation of their family and forced him to pay back the money as soon as possible."

  Xu's wife was originally in normal business, but because of unbearable nuisance, she was forced to transfer the store and divorced Xu. Xu's grandfather and father soon passed away. Xu did not dare to go home because of fear of Zhou Zheng's debts.

  Gao Jiangang and others are also not merciful to the economic interests of the villagers' collective organizations.

  In 2017, the Xinggong Avenue project undertaken by Gao Jiangang, Zhou Zheng and others started construction.

During the construction process, Gao Jiangang and Li Ruofeng dumped the earthwork excavated by the project into the villagers’ responsibility fields, including the victim Zhu, without the consent of the local people. When villagers came to stop it, the organization gathered more than 20 members to unload the earth. Gathering crowds on the scene to drag, insult and threaten the villagers.

For compensation issues raised by the villagers, the villagers were threatened by destroying furniture at their homes.

In order to establish illegal authority and expand its influence, the organization purchased tools such as machetes, harpoons, and harpoons, frequently intervened in civil disputes, resorted to violence to solve problems, and was suspected of multiple crimes such as the crime of provoking trouble, racketeering, and forced trading.

  The procuratorial organ intervened in advance, and 99 case files became 147

  After a preliminary investigation, the investigative agency found out that the criminal organization headed by Gao Jiangang and Zhou Zheng has committed a large number of illegal and criminal acts in Wangcheng District, Changsha City over the years. Due to the large number of participants in the organization, the large number of crimes, the long time span, and the difficulty of obtaining evidence, The investigative agency is somewhat "unsure" whether it constitutes a criminal organized crime of a gangster nature.

  On January 4, 2019, the Wangcheng District Procuratorate received an invitation from the Wangcheng Branch of the Changsha City Public Security Bureau, hoping that the procuratorate would send officers to intervene in the investigation of the case in advance.

  The Wangcheng District Procuratorate quickly established a case-handling team headed by the chief prosecutor Gong Ping, and selected a number of business backbones to intervene in advance to fully understand the case. It successively held 5 special joint public security prosecution meetings and 3 case analysis and promotion meetings to guide the public security organs Collect and fix evidence around the 4 characteristics of the underworld organization to prove the illegal control and serious harm of the underworld organization.

  "The early intervention of the procuratorial organs has clarified our thinking, pointed out the direction, and strengthened our confidence in checking, verifying, and investigating the case." Zheng Wenjie, director of the Anti-criminal Office of Wangcheng Public Security Bureau, is deeply moved by the early intervention of the procuratorial organs. .

  On January 29 of the same year, the "10·25" Gao Jiangang criminal case was listed by the Hunan Provincial Procuratorate and the Hunan Provincial Public Security Bureau as the fifth batch of joint-listed supervised cases in the special anti-gang campaign.

  This case involved a large number of people, complicated the case, and the workload of the investigators was very heavy.

After the case was transferred for review and arrest, the court made a decision to approve the arrest of 16 criminal suspects, issued 47 continued investigation outlines, supplemented hundreds of various types of evidence, and arrested 5 more people; at the same time, it supplemented the investigation and found 2 missing criminal facts. , 1 repeat offender was found; 25 missed offenders were found, and 4 people have been brought to the case after prosecution documents were issued and compulsory measures have been taken; 10 missed offenses were prosecuted, of which 4 were sentenced to more than three years in prison.

  "In handling the case, we also pay attention to conducting supplementary investigations on our own." According to the prosecutor handling the case, "In examining the illegal detention of the victim Liu, the procuratorate found that Gao Jiangang and his organization members did not participate in the illegal detention. The illegal detention was the crime. People outside the organization (handled in a separate case), so the victim Liu and relevant witnesses were questioned, and Gao Jiangang and other suspects were interrogated. We found out that although Gao Jiangang and others were not illegally detained, they were Liu used threats and intimidation methods to force Liu to transfer 30% of his company’s shares. This behavior has constituted a crime of forced trading. On the one hand, we have added this omission, and on the other hand, we have imposed illegal detention on other suspects in accordance with the law. Prosecute."

  "It was 99 cases when it was transferred, and 147 were sent out." The case manager was shocked when he transferred the case to the court.

  At the same time, the court rejected 1 person who was deemed to be a member of a triad organization in accordance with the law, 5 cases that did not constitute a crime were not recognized in accordance with the law, reviewed and changed 9 cases in accordance with the law, and found and transferred clues involving gangs4 Article, issued a procuratorial suggestion on the system loopholes in the comprehensive management work.

  15 defendants pleaded guilty in court

  Before the hearing, a number of persons involved in the case and defenders expressed the hope that the prosecutors would first make recommendations for sentencing and then consider whether to sign a confession of guilty and punishment. The prosecutor in the case rejected this. Plead guilty and punished. Such confession and punishment are insincere. It is essentially a speculative act and does not conform to the original intention of the legislation." The prosecutor handling the case said.

  Therefore, the prosecutor handling the case insisted on putting forward sentencing recommendations based on the defendants' confession and repentance before the court investigation is over.

This decision was also approved and supported by the collegiate panel.

As a result, many defendants with unstable confession attitudes truthfully confessed all the crime facts in court in order to be able to fight for leniency.

  During the trial, the prosecutor undertook detailed production of 5 sets of "Statistics of Defendants' Violations and Crimes", "List of Seizures, Seizures, and Frozen Property", "Personnel Involved in Sentencing Suggestions", "List of Illegal and Criminal Facts", and "Year Statistics of Illegal and Criminal Facts". Accounts, during the interrogation and cross-examination of evidence, provide clear guidance to fully prove the illegal and criminal activities carried out by the underworld organization and the serious social harm caused by it, and ensure the clear and smooth court trial.

Before the end of the court investigation, Zhou Zheng and other 15 defendants had no objection to all the crimes and criminal facts charged by the procuratorial organ. They pleaded guilty and punished in court, and signed the "Recognition of Guilty and Punishment" under the witness of his defender.

  Yuan Liping, head of the Criminal Division of Wangcheng District Court, spoke highly of the prosecution of the court trial. She said, “We originally expected this case to take 4 to 5 days, but because 15 of the 16 defendants pleaded guilty in court The admission of punishment actually took only 3 days to complete the criminal and incidental civil trials, which exceeded our expectations, and the court trial effect was very good."

  The court found that the case involved 13 crimes, namely the crime of organizing, leading, and participating in a triad organization, the crime of provoking trouble, the crime of assembling a crowd, the crime of illegal detention, the crime of extortion, the crime of forced trading, the crime of illegal mining, the crime of concealment and concealment. Crimes of proceeds of crime, gambling, opening a casino, stealing across the border, harbouring, and intentional injury. From 2012 to 2018, this triad organization has committed 33 crimes and 15 crimes of various types. Outside the organization, 7 individual crimes were committed, a total of 55, and 20 people were injured.

  On the morning of July 30th, 16 people including Gao Jiangang were suspected of organizing, leading, and participating in triad organizations and other crimes were publicly sentenced at the first instance. All the criminal facts and convictions and sentencing circumstances charged by the Wangcheng District Procuratorate were confirmed by the court, and the sentencing proposed by the procuratorate All suggestions were accepted.

  The defendant Gao Jiangang committed the crime of organizing and leading a triad organization, the crime of provoking trouble, the crime of assembling a crowd, the crime of extortion, the crime of forced trading, the crime of illegal mining, etc., and was sentenced to 25 years in prison and deprived of political rights. Five years, and confiscated all personal property; the defendant Zhou Zheng committed the crime of organizing and leading a triad organization, the crime of provoking trouble, the crime of gathering people to fight, the crime of illegal detention, the crime of opening a casino, the crime of crossing the border, etc. Sentenced to 21 years imprisonment, deprivation of political rights for five years, and confiscation of all personal property; members of organizations such as Li Ruofeng and Wang Cheng were sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from three to eighteen years, as well as confiscation of personal property or fines; The property used for illegal crimes shall be confiscated in accordance with the law; the illegal income of each defendant shall be recovered or ordered to be refunded.

  After the judgment of the first instance, except for Gao Jiangang, who refused to plead guilty, all the other 15 defendants pleaded guilty and accepted no appeal.

Gao Jiangang subsequently appealed, and the case has recently been transferred to the Changsha Intermediate Court.

  Zhang Yinfeng Zeng Huan Xie Lijia