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The Chinese and Indian Foreign Ministers issued a joint press release, and the two sides reached a five-point consensus

9/10/2020, 11:29:05 PM

  The Chinese and Indian Foreign Ministers issued a joint press release, and the two sides reached a five-point consensus   Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, September 10-Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng held a bilateral meeting in Moscow on September 10. The two foreign ministers frankly and constructively discussed the development of China-I

  The Chinese and Indian Foreign Ministers issued a joint press release, and the two sides reached a five-point consensus

  Xinhua News Agency, Moscow, September 10-Chinese State Councilor and Foreign Minister Wang Yi and Indian Foreign Minister Su Jiesheng held a bilateral meeting in Moscow on September 10.

The two foreign ministers frankly and constructively discussed the development of China-India border situation and China-India relations.

  1. The foreign ministers of the two countries agreed that the two sides should follow the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries on the development of China-India relations, including not allowing the differences between the two countries to become disputes.

  2. The foreign ministers of the two countries believe that the current situation in the border area is not in the interests of both sides. The border defense forces of the two countries should continue dialogue, disengage contact as soon as possible, maintain the necessary distance, and ease the situation on the ground.

  3. The foreign ministers of the two countries believe that the two sides should abide by the existing border affairs agreements and regulations, maintain peace and tranquility in the border area, and avoid any actions that may escalate the situation.

  4. The two sides agreed to continue to maintain communication through the China-India border issues special representative meeting mechanism, and continue to conduct consultations on the China-India border affairs and coordination mechanisms.

  5. The two foreign ministers agreed that as the situation eases, the two sides should expedite the completion of new mutual trust-building measures to maintain and enhance peace and tranquility in the border area.

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