Teller Report

The "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Scroll", which was sold overseas at sky-high prices, will be auctioned in Beijing

9/10/2020, 2:20:29 PM

  Chinanews Client Beijing, September 10 (Reporter Song Yusheng) The reporter was informed that in 1989, the "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Volume", which was sold at Sotheby's auction in New York for US$1.21 million, will soon appear in Beijing auctions. .   On September 10, Poly Auction officially announced the news to the media. "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Volume" courtesy of the auction house   "

  Chinanews Client Beijing, September 10 (Reporter Song Yusheng) The reporter was informed that in 1989, the "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Volume", which was sold at Sotheby's auction in New York for US$1.21 million, will soon appear in Beijing auctions. .

  On September 10, Poly Auction officially announced the news to the media.

"Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Volume" courtesy of the auction house

  "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Scroll" was written by the Ming Dynasty court painter Wu Bin, about 1610 AD.

This person is considered to be one of the main advocates and leaders of the "transformationist style of painting" and "revival of the classic landscape painting style of the Northern Song Dynasty" in the late Ming Dynasty.

  "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Scroll" depicts the rare strange stones in the "Shiyin'an layman" Mi Wanzhong. Ten pictures are drawn, and each picture depicts the different sides of the strange stones in real size.

In other words, the artist painted this strange stone from ten angles.

  The paintings use both form and spirit to describe both form and spirit. In addition to traditional Chinese painting pen and ink, they also refer to geometric principles, rhythms and five elements.

  Fan Changjiang, general manager of Beijing Poly Auction's ancient painting and calligraphy department, believes that the painting is "solving three-dimensional problems in three dimensions" from the perspective of the ideas embodied in techniques.

And Wu Bin painted it as "a tall scroll with a length of nearly 30 meters and a height of nearly 55 cm, which is very rare in the history of painting."

  According to the auction house's information, the heart of the "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Scroll" is 55.5 cm high and 11.5 meters long. 11.32 meters long.

  It is worth mentioning that the postscripts of Li Weizhen, Dong Qichang, Chen Jiru and others in the literary world of the late Ming Dynasty also outline the political ecology and the life of literati in the late Ming Dynasty.

Many aspects such as the historical dimension of the construction of the sequence of inheritance have attracted the attention of the world.

Wang Wei, general manager of Beijing Poly Auctions, at the press conference that day.

Photo courtesy of the auction house

  In December 1989, the "Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Scroll" was auctioned for the first time at Sotheby's in New York.

This is also the first time since Sotheby's auction was established that Chinese paintings and calligraphy have exceeded one million dollars in sales.

  It is reported that the 15th Anniversary Celebration Auction of Poly Auction will be held from October 13th to 15th. The auction will be held from October 16th to 20th. Nearly 30 special sessions and more than 7,000 cultural relics will be auctioned.

  "The Ten-faced Lingbi Picture Volume" will be presented in the "Ten-faced Lingbi Special" at this auction.

There will be 40 auctions including stone appreciation and porcelain miscellaneous.
