Teller Report

Survey shows: 70% of Japanese companies agree that the Chinese market is becoming more attractive

9/10/2020, 6:58:59 AM

  Reference News Network reported on September 8 that foreign media said that a survey conducted by the Japan Economic Research Center and the Nikkei News Agency showed that nearly 70% of the interviewees expressed expectations for the strong consumer demand of Chinese people.   According to a report on the website of Singapore’s “Lianhe Zaobao” on September 7, the two organizations conducted a q

  Reference News Network reported on September 8 that foreign media said that a survey conducted by the Japan Economic Research Center and the Nikkei News Agency showed that nearly 70% of the interviewees expressed expectations for the strong consumer demand of Chinese people.

  According to a report on the website of Singapore’s “Lianhe Zaobao” on September 7, the two organizations conducted a questionnaire survey on how to view China and the United States through the Internet in mid-July, targeting 3,000 business professionals working in listed companies in Japan.

About 1,100 of them have worked in China-related work.

  According to reports, in the 2020 supplementary budget, the Japanese government has set aside some budgets as business expenses for restructuring the supply network for important products that depend on specific countries.

This measure was taken because the expansion of the new coronavirus epidemic has blocked production and logistics worldwide.

In particular, some products, such as masks and protective clothing, which have a high proportion of overseas production, have caused tensions between supply and demand in Japan.

  The report also said that in response to Japan's trends, Chinese officials stated that smart foreign businessmen would not give up China's huge market.

  The report noted that in this survey, when asked how to view China as a production base, 35.2% of the respondents answered "It will still be as important as before" and 14.9% answered "Importance will increase". %.

  The report pointed out that China has the largest population in the world, and as income levels increase, the thickness of the middle class has increased, making it more attractive as a consumer market.

Regarding the importance of China outside of production, "as important as before" (42.4%) and "will be more and more important in the future" (26.5%), a total of nearly 70% considered important.

  The report also pointed out that before the outbreak of the new crown epidemic, the number of Chinese tourists visiting Japan increased year by year.

Chinese visitors to Japan hit a record high in 2019, accounting for 30% of the total number of tourists visiting Japan.

One of the major characteristics is represented by "explosive buying", and the per capita consumption amount is high.

In addition, many tourists visiting Japan still use cross-border e-commerce and other channels to purchase Japanese cosmetics and food, which have contributed to the performance of related companies.

  According to the report, Japan has long faced the problem of declining birthrates and aging population, and it has also lagged behind other countries in high-tech related fields.

It is difficult to achieve economic growth by relying solely on our own capabilities.

Through the survey, we can see the reality that Japanese companies want to benefit from China.