Teller Report

From t-shirts to clappers... The identity of the Lotte Dougout cheerers?

9/10/2020, 12:35:28 PM

Professional baseball Lotte’s Ace Strayley is also acting as an atmosphere maker, and after making a T-shirt with a photo of a colleague, this time, it is also raising the atmosphere with this support tool. This is Lee Sung-hoon.


Lotte's Ace Strayley of professional baseball is also acting as an atmosphere maker. After making a T-shirt with a photo of a colleague, this time, it is also raising the atmosphere with this support tool.

This is Lee Sung-hoon.

<Reporter> Since

last week, a different support tool has appeared in Lotte Dugout.

Whenever a hit is made, the players make a loud clap sound by shaking the clapper, so-called'clap clap'.

Ace Strayley bought and distributed at his own expense, but it is a perfect support tool in the era of'Untact', where high fives are also banned.

[Strailly/Lotte pitcher: I didn't have any fans, so I bought a'clapper' to enhance the quiet stadium atmosphere. Fighting!]

Strayley has worked as a Dougout cheerleader by making T-shirts with the faces of colleagues in the past.

Strayley is challenging 12 wins in the season today (10th) amid the enthusiastic cheering of'Clapper' from colleagues, but the missed hits hit by Samsung Koo Ja-wook were connected with two timely doubles, giving the lead.

The lead NC, who was chased by an anti-match car in the second place Kiwoom, gave KT an early lead, but in the fourth inning, Altair made a close match with a full home run.

Kiwoom is in a confrontation with 3rd place LG, and LG cut off the flow of Kiwoom attacks due to the rains of second baseman Jeong Ju-hyun and left fielder Kim Hyun-soo in the third inning.

(Video editing: Woo Ki-jung)