Teller Report

Consultations in Mali: five working groups formed for the

9/10/2020, 7:55:47 PM

The days of national consultation on the transition in Mali began this Thursday, September 10 in Bamako. The head of the junta, Colonel Assimi Goïta, presided over the opening ceremony of the…

Consultations in Mali: five working groups formed for the

The delegations on the first day of the consultations in Bamako, this Thursday, September 10, 2020. AP Photo

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4 min

The days of national consultation on the transition in Mali began this Thursday, September 10 in Bamako.

The head of the junta, Colonel Assimi Goïta, presided over the opening ceremony of the meeting which will last three days and which brings together about 500 people.

After the distribution of documents to set the course of the work, discussions began.

Five sub-groups have been formed, the debates are lively.


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With our correspondent in Bamako,

Serge Daniel

Small organizational concerns at the beginning before the head of the junta Colonel

Assimi Goïta

entered the room for the opening ceremony.

A very short speech of about five minutes.

This consultation is therefore an opportunity for the nation's driving forces to discuss the concerns of the moment and the future.

The head of the CNSP, Colonel Assimi Goïta


Work begins after his departure.

A draft transition roadmap is made public, five working sub-groups created.

Speech frees itself.

A national of Gao takes the microphone: " 

We want nothing but security, 

" he insists.

In the room, a thunderous applause.

The chairperson calls everyone back to calm.

Debates are also heated on institutional and political reforms.

Also on good governance and the organization of future elections.

At the Bamako International Conference Center, there were also dissensions within the

M5 protest movement

which contributed to the downfall of former President IBK.

One section of the movement wants a soldier at the head of the transition and the other section insists: a civilian or nothing at all.

To read also: Mali: in Bamako, the consultations open despite notable absences


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  • Mali

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