Teller Report

5 foods that protect against developing stage two diabetes

9/10/2020, 4:52:53 PM

A study revealed foods that should be included in our diets to control blood sugar levels to avoid the risk of developing stage 2 diabetes. The American "Times Now News" newspaper published 5 basic foods that protect the body from the risk of developing stage 2 diabetes, namely: Spinach

5 foods that protect against developing stage two diabetes

A study revealed foods that should be included in our diets to control blood sugar levels to avoid the risk of developing stage 2 diabetes.

The American "Times Now News" newspaper published 5 essential foods that protect the body from the risk of developing stage 2 diabetes, namely:


Spinach and leafy vegetables such as lettuce contain several important nutrients such as calcium, vitamin A, antioxidants and fiber, which have an effective role in losing weight and preventing diabetes, especially stage II diabetes and many other health problems.

Brown rice:

Brown rice contains a large proportion of fiber, and several studies have proven that eating brown rice prevents people by 26% of developing stage 2 diabetes, in addition to its health benefits in promoting heart health.


Apples contain high levels of quercetin, a vegetable pigment that enhances the function of insulin in the body, in addition to the fact that apple fruit contains antioxidants and fibers, which in turn help to regulate blood sugar levels, which contributes to the prevention of second stage diabetes.


The berries and strawberries are healthy foods that contain many health benefits. Berries are rich in fiber and antioxidants that slow down the body's absorption of glucose and make sugar levels at their normal levels. In addition, berries are low-calorie foods and contain a low percentage of carbohydrates, which enhances Normal blood sugar levels.


Beans contain large proportions of protein, fiber, folic acid, iron, magnesium and potassium, and a small percentage of fat and calories. Several studies and research have confirmed that eating a cup of beans on a daily basis reduces blood sugar.