Teller Report

"WAKANDA Forever"… 'Black Panther' celebratory craze in sports

9/10/2020, 12:36:20 PM

You've seen a lot of sports players' celebrations. It is the greeting of Black Panther, the first hero movie starring a black man, and a memorial service is spreading after the movie protagonist, a symbol of black human rights, passed away last month.

<Anchor> You

have seen a lot of sports players' celebrations.

It is the greeting of Black Panther, the first hero movie starring a black man, and a memorial service is spreading after the movie protagonist, a symbol of black human rights, passed away last month.

This is reporter Kim Hyung-yeol.

<Reporter> As

Black Panther, featuring a black hero, became popular, many black sports stars popularized the so-called'Black Panther' ceremony.

Arsenal's Obame Yang wore a mask and celebrated, and Oladipo, who greeted the movie's protagonist Bozeman at the NBA Dunk Shoot, also showed off a gorgeous dunk wearing a mask.

The gradually disappearing ceremony returned to a memorial ceremony after Bozeman passed away last month.

F1's best star Hamilton won the championship by drawing an X in each race.

[Lewis Hamilton/F1 Driver: This victory is dedicated to Chadwick Bozeman.

(Wakanda's) King!

Please sleep comfortably.]

Obama also remembered the Black Panther who left after leading the Community Shield championship.

The NBA's memorial fever is also hot.

LeBron James blushed, saying he was as ill as Kobe Bryant's death.

[LeBron James/NBA LA Lakers: 2020 is the X same year when both Black Panther and Black Mamba (Kobi) have been lost.]

Nahi, from Ivory Coast, who plays in Korean women's football, also joined the tribute wave.

[Nahi/Gyeongju Hansuwon striker: Bozeman inspired me a lot by fighting racism.] The

world sports community is expressing condolences to Bozeman, who has become a symbol of black human rights.

(Video editing: Park Chun-bae)