Teller Report

Unmanned sales in small towns in Guangxi have become popular, female bosses have been operating unattended stores for 8 years without

9/9/2020, 2:10:59 PM

  [Explanation] "Honesty Stele", "Honesty Pavilion", Integrity Culture Plaza, Integrity Culture Wall... In Nanyang Town, Qingxiu District, Nanning, various elements of integrity culture can be seen everywhere. A few days ago, the reporter visited on the spot.   [Explanation] Nanyang Town was called Xiaoliwei in ancient times and has a history of more than 400 years. In 2012, when a resident of Na

  [Explanation] "Honesty Stele", "Honesty Pavilion", Integrity Culture Plaza, Integrity Culture Wall... In Nanyang Town, Qingxiu District, Nanning, various elements of integrity culture can be seen everywhere.

A few days ago, the reporter visited on the spot.

  [Explanation] Nanyang Town was called Xiaoliwei in ancient times and has a history of more than 400 years.

In 2012, when a resident of Nanyang town demolished his old house, he found a "Integrity Stele" carved during the Jiaqing period of the Qing Dynasty. The inscription was engraved on the inscription that the local government announced that the merchants should not be short of a catty or two and should not raise the market price. And other handwriting.

The inscription confirms the prosperous history of commerce and trade in Nanyang Town, and also shows the local culture of integrity with a long history.

In 2015, Nanyang Town built an "integrity pavilion" in the center of the town, and placed an "integrity monument" for the residents of the town to learn.

  [Explanation] Under the influence of the culture of honesty, the masses of Nanyang Town have spontaneously become practitioners of the "Nanyang characteristic honesty culture".

  [Concurrent] He Hanlin, a grain and oil business owner in Nanyang Town

  My family sells grains and oils. Why is the business so good? (because) what the ancestors have uploaded is all honesty, not less than two pounds, and there are especially many repeat customers.

  [Explanation] On Fengyang Road, Nanyang Town, there is an unattended beverage store.

Boss Chen Yanyan told reporters that in 2012, she began to try unmanned sales.

With the introduction of electronic payment into the lives of the people, now, customers will consciously scan the QR code to pay when they come to buy goods. Usually, she will only go to the store when she replenishes the goods.

  [Concurrent] Chen Yanyan, owner of the unattended milk house in Nanyang Town

  Because I usually deliver goods, no one is here to see the store. They are all customers who come to get (buy) or order milk. If they order milk, they will send me WeChat and tell me how many bottles I got today. We are all neighbours in the neighbourhood, or villagers in the village came out to buy, and never said that we paid less or took more.

  [Explanation] Nowadays, there are more and more unmanned small shops and stalls in Nanyang Town, and customers will consciously pay, and it will never be less. It is common practice for all people in Nanyang Town to stress integrity.

In 2020, Nanyang Town was selected as the first batch of "Guangxi Private Economic Demonstration Towns".

  Zhang Guangquan, Tong Bo Wu Dongjun reports from Nanning

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]

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