Teller Report

The play is over

9/9/2020, 1:10:09 PM

“Efremov had a chance not to fall into an animal state and courageously accept any sentence, admitting his guilt before that, repent and not be foolish. Mikhail's reservations like “Guilty if I did it” and others weighed down the verdict. The judge, after all, is also a person, and in passing the sentence was guided by the law and conscience. For almost 15 sessions, Efremov and his clown Pashayev acted out theatrical scenes, contradicted themselves, mocked the court - in a word, they went on a record. And they achieved their goal. "


If the sentence “eight years in a general regime colony” for murder seems too harsh, I propose to take part in a simple, but at the same time quickly sobering experiment: imagine for a moment that Sergei Zakharov is your father, son, brother or husband.

Imagine a doctor or nurse calling you late at night, an unfamiliar, icy voice sounds on the phone, announcing the death of a loved one.

Your son, father or husband is no more.

The alcoholic Efremov killed him.

Not submitted?

I suspect that, despite the tons of reinforced concrete evidence of Efremov's guilt, there will definitely be people (there will be very, very many, thousands, tens of thousands) who will never believe that their beloved Misha, a genius, a people's artist without five minutes, could kill a person ... 

They wanted to sneeze at the tears of the relatives of the courier Zakharov, at their private grief.

Thousands do not believe in the death of some kind of Zakharov and they know for sure: a professional stuntman with an FSB service certificate was sitting behind the wheel of a truck (proven by a blurred black-and-white photograph) (he hands it to a confused traffic cop - seen in another blurred photo), and Efremov, who had drunk a bottle of vodka, framed by the "bloody regime" for the liberties of "Citizen Poet" (Misha was just preparing a new video). 

Many years ago, a legend that was pleasant to the liberal ear took root among the opposition.

Like, drunken Efremov, while drinking at Nikita Mikhalkov, shouted to President Vladimir Putin: "Repent!"

Efremov traditionally does not remember this moment.

On the show "School of Scandal" he literally said: "This is Garmash and Stoyanov invented."

"Wasn't that?"

- Dunya Smirnova, then not yet the wife of Anatoly Chubais, asked in disappointment.

“In my opinion, no,” Efremov answered guiltily. 

The memory of the honored artist, admittedly, is really bad.

The birthday trick Mikhalkov does not remember whether he was driving on that very June day, either.

There is nothing easier than pretending to be a fool, shutting yourself up in a house: there is no me, I don't remember anything, leave me alone! 

However, on the evening of June 8, the investigator in the case of Efremov restored almost every minute.

In court, the participants in the process watched several hours of recordings from CCTV cameras and the phones of bystanders, read out examinations, and heard witnesses from all sides.

A normal person, who knows how to see and hear, cannot have doubts: a drunk Efremov was driving, who had "money to shit" and who would "cure".

Efremov's moral character before the start of the trial did not cause any complaints.

Why, Michael was loved by millions.

Everyone drank with him, he, the Great Talent, was forgiven a lot: the disruption of performances, and bickering with riot police, and fights in hotels and airports.

A sweet alcoholic from a very good family, the son of that same Efremov - also, by the way, a man who drank heavily, but never allowed himself to get behind the wheel under a fly.

Having sober up and combing his hair, Efremov four days after the accident recorded an honest and heartfelt video.

“The end, there is no longer any Efremov.

I betrayed everyone.

Forgive me, please ”- touching words that win tears and command respect.

I can't speak for the others, I personally believed it.

Trusting was.

Efremov least of all looks like a goner idiot.

A sharp change in consciousness and a vile stage performance in court cannot be explained by anything but stupidity.

Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps by naivety, childish faith in the magician lawyer Pashayev, who promised (according to rumors) to release him from prison for 10 million rubles.

Pashaev in Efremov's drama is a hero that deserves special attention, his five minutes of fame is still ahead.

For the last two months, Pashayev, no less talented actor than Mikhail, played the role of a funny lawyer, disgracing himself, his client, and the entire Russian legal profession at the same time.

The carnival around the trial was nauseous, Pashaev carried absurdity after absurdity, speaking poorly in Russian and leaving one-eyed witnesses to the court, slowly dragging Efremov to the bottom.

What for?

Once, a version of Efremov's severe fatigue slipped through.

He wants to die, is tired of living, but as an Orthodox person he cannot lay hands on himself.

Eight or 11 years, requested by the prosecutor, can be “fatal” for Mikhail.

The version is beautiful.

But only the version.

Another version - Efremov believed Pashaev and the numerous support group.

I believed in everything that journalists and lawyers of Sergei Zakharov's relatives broke with a crash.

Efremov believed in his innocence, believed the fools around him, who (of course, wishing well to their beloved Misha) themselves believed in complete stupidity, in the version about the control of a killer SUV by a specially trained terminator, designed in the depths of the secret research institute FSB-GRU-CIA-MI6.

It would be possible to laugh long and loudly, listening to the nonsense of Dzhigurda and company, if it were not for the death of a person. 

However, regardless of the versions, in the eight years of Efremov, half is the merit of Pashaev.

According to the official statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, those responsible for fatal accidents in rare cases "leave for the zone" for eight or more years.

The usual thing is two or three, well, a maximum of five years in a colony-settlement (count, in a sanatorium with strict guards and without spa procedures).

In the film "Station for Two" Oleg Basilashvili's hero goes to just such a colony - without handcuffs and an escort.

Efremov had a chance not to fall into an animal state and courageously accept any sentence, admitting his guilt before that, repent and not be foolish.

Mikhail's reservations like “Guilty if I did it” and others weighed down the verdict.

The judge, after all, is also a person, and in passing the sentence was guided by the law and conscience.

For almost 15 sessions, Efremov and his clown Pashayev acted out theatrical scenes, contradicted themselves, mocked the court - in a word, they went on a record.

And they achieved their goal.

The Efremov case exposed the disgusting insides of not only the "citizen killer", but also his wonderful defenders from the liberal camp, people once respected - if you like, moral tuning forks.

Everything is trite: Misha is his own, and “people with beautiful faces” are ready to defend any ideologically close person with foam at the mouth.

One respected person (I will do without names) offered to forgive Misha: he is a genius, and the courier Zakharov still cannot be returned.

Misha, he wrote on his Facebook page, should be released from the colony at the first whim: talent must work, continue to entertain.

In a developed democracy, for which this most respected person prays, actors were cut out of ready-made pictures for speculative splinters for the butt, kicked out of the profession, but this is there, and here Misha is "different."

The famous director invited his subscribers to support the unfortunate Efremov: “May all his viewers who know and appreciate his talent, his family, and his friends be with him today.

We have to deal with this. "

The newly-minted politician, famous for his obscene ditties, shone twenty worthless lines to his friend Mikhail.

The actress, known for encouraging constant repentance for the sins of others, said in an interview: “I am very worried about Misha, I just suffer.

It seems to me that Misha is being avenged for his project "Citizen Poet".

They take revenge cruelly and terribly. "

Humanly, Mikhail Efremov is a pity.

He is a deeply ill and somewhat unhappy person, spoiled and well-worn by life.

Any jury would most likely acquit Efremov or give him a minimum, if he were a little more modest in court and did not deny his guilt.

The first night in the pre-trial detention center is one of the most difficult.

Probably, Mikhail did not sleep and thought a lot.

All is not lost - his fate is in the hands of Sergei Zakharov's relatives, who have not yet heard the word "sorry" from Efremov.

The author's point of view may not coincide with the position of the editorial board.

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