Teller Report

School has started, and the "school supplies" routine has come again...

9/9/2020, 9:14:18 PM

  School has started, and the "school supplies" routine has come again...   Study desks, myopia treatment devices, nutrient solutions... In the beginning of the school season, many parents are busy buying various "equipments" for their children. In the business promotion, some of these products can treat myopia, correct sitting posture, and some can improve memory and anti-fatigue ability. Howeve

  School has started, and the "school supplies" routine has come again...

  Study desks, myopia treatment devices, nutrient solutions... In the beginning of the school season, many parents are busy buying various "equipments" for their children.

In the business promotion, some of these products can treat myopia, correct sitting posture, and some can improve memory and anti-fatigue ability.

However, research shows that reasonable diet, more exercise, and good living habits are the keys to the healthy growth of children.

  In the beginning of the school season, parents are busy buying all kinds of "equipment" for the children again.

In addition to school supplies, school desks, myopia treatment devices, and various functional supplements are also used to tease parents who are looking for a child.

However, do these various products really have the effect they advertise?

Perhaps, it brings more psychological comfort to parents.

  Eat more tonic nutrient solution to increase metabolic burden, and beware of excitatory substances

  For some parents, the nutritional intake of three meals a day can no longer carry their love for their children.

It is the expectation of many parents to supplement their children with extra nutrition in order to improve their children's memory and anti-fatigue ability. This is also the selling point of many nutrient solutions and supplements.

So how is memory formed?

Are these products really useful?

  "At present, scientists have not yet concluded the research on how memory is formed. There are only some hypotheses. For example, there are 86 billion neurons in the human brain. Various stimuli will prompt neurons to generate synaptic connections and form neural pathways. Repeated stimulation can strengthen these synaptic connections, which may be the biological mechanism of learning and memory at the cell level." Dr. Yang Yuankui, School of Biological Sciences and Medical Engineering, Southeast University, and the Key Laboratory of Child Development and Learning Science of the Ministry of Education, said, don’t be superstitious on the market. Some nutrient solutions that claim to be able to replenish the brain, because this may backfire.

  "Excessive nutritional supplements will increase the body's metabolic burden, and the nutrient solution that claims to be fast refreshing must also beware of stimulants. Sometimes these stimulant substances are hidden and may not be marked on the outer packaging. If you take it for a long time, it may be If the child’s nervous system develops abnormally, and the nerves want to continue to be excited, the stimulation will be greater and greater. Once there is no strong stimulation, memory and attention will be affected." Yang Yuankui said, in fact, parents do not need to be too anxious to enhance memory The best way is to sleep, exercise, and get nutrients through food.

  He suggested that you can refer to the dietary pagoda issued by the Chinese Nutrition Society to take in sufficient amounts of high-quality protein, unsaturated fatty acids, trace elements, vitamins, etc. every day to ensure your child's body needs.

  In addition, adequate sleep can also prompt the brain to "innovate".

"In recent years, the scientific community has discovered that the younger the person, the more vigorous the metabolism of brain nerve cells, and the more waste produced by the metabolism. The accumulation of these substances can damage nerve cells, resulting in decreased concentration, decreased memory, and loss of emotional control. Depression and irritability may also make Alzheimer’s come early. In order to remove these wastes from the brain and keep the nerve cells undisturbed, sleep is needed. During sleep, the cerebrospinal fluid will flush the brain and carry the metabolic waste out of the brain. "Yang Yuankui said.

Sleep is the process of processing knowledge and skills learned during the day. During sleep, the brain will extract and process the experiences learned during the day to determine which memories are converted into long-term memories, and which are discarded, which is forgetting.

  In Yang Yuankui's view, exercise is also very important for improving children's memory and concentration.

"Exercise can make the brain's oxygen supply more sufficient, so that the brain has sufficient neurological efficacy, and promote brain development. Children who exercise more have more active and more efficient brains."

  The Internet celebrity study desk has an auxiliary and prompt function, and the focus is on maintaining the correct posture

  In the beginning of the school season, it has become the goal of many parents to cultivate children's learning ability, study habits and even develop good learning postures.

On a well-known shopping platform, many businessmen’s study desks have started a big promotion.

Reflective eye protection veneer reduces eye fatigue, stays away from myopia and hunchback since childhood, and has become a selling point of many study desks.

Some parents do not hesitate to buy expensive desks and chairs for their children, but can they make their children straighten up and prevent myopia?

  "In recent years, the number of children coming to see the doctor due to hunchbacks has indeed increased. This has something to do with the heavy burden of study, not paying attention to sitting posture when doing homework and listening to classes, and having a loose body when walking." Liu Fan, director of the Department of Orthopedics, Nantong University Affiliated Hospital told A reporter from Science and Technology Daily, when the body is in a tall and straight state, the muscles have to be tight and relatively tired, and when the body is hunched, the state is relaxed, so people will have some inertia.

The study desk can play an auxiliary and prompt role, but if the child cannot maintain the correct sitting and walking posture, it may still cause a hump.

  There are two types of common spinal deformities in adolescents, one is kyphosis and the other is scoliosis.

"Some are due to genetic defects, some are postural kyphosis and idiopathic scoliosis." Li Qingqing, deputy chief physician of Jiangsu Provincial People's Hospital, told the reporter of Science and Technology Daily that kyphosis patients are commonly caused by long-term poor sitting posture, and a small part of it is caused by spinal tuberculosis. Due to diseases, postural kyphosis or scoliosis is generally not serious and can be corrected by exercising.

As for idiopathic scoliosis, it is still hard to say what is the cause.

  Li Qingqing suggested that the prevention of kyphosis mainly depends on maintaining the correct posture. You can also jog often, such as jogging for 15-20 minutes a day; you can also swim more to allow the spine to fully extend. The golden period of postural kyphosis correction is in the teenage stage. At the age of five or six, development is almost over, and it is too late to correct.

  Liu Fan suggested that to overcome hunchback, one is to let children develop good habits, and also to let children do more exercises such as pull-ups.

  The reporter searched on the Internet and found that the adjustment angles of many study desks are not imprecise.

The best writing angle is 10°, reading 15°, drawing 40°... Can these caliper-like design angles build a moat for children’s vision?

  "How big a desktop angle can prevent myopia? There is no statistical analysis. Myopia prevention and control are related to reading time and reading distance. The prevention of myopia is to reduce the time of eye use and keep the reading distance above 33 cm. At the same time increase the time for outdoor activities." said Wang Jing, chief physician of the ophthalmology department of Nanjing First Hospital.

  What kind of desks and chairs are more conducive to protecting eyesight and preventing myopia?

Guo Xin, director of the School Health Office of the Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, said that at home, dining tables, dining chairs or beds cannot be used instead.

Dining tables and dining chairs are often too high, while beds are soft and low.

For families with adjustable tables and chairs, according to the height of the child, according to the height range table of each model of desks and chairs for primary and middle school students, find the table height and seat height suitable for the child.

You can also allow your child to sit on a chair with the thigh and calf vertical, the back straight, the upper arm drooping, and the elbow 3-4 cm below the table to correct the desk and chair.

  Myopia treatment device may improve vision in a short time, but the effect is not lasting

  In recent years, the struggle with myopia has become the heart disease of many parents, and dazzling treatment options for myopia have emerged one after another. Myopia treatment devices are one of them, but how much hope can they bring about myopia correction?

  "Clinical observations have shown that some myopia treatment devices can supplement the lack of light in a short period of time and promote retinal dopamine secretion. The stimulation of the specific light source of the device can restore the thickness of the choroid and inhibit the development of myopia. But after all, there is no support from basic research. With a large number of samples for clinical observation and research, we generally do not recommend the use of myopia treatment devices to patients." Wang Jing said.

  "Some myopia treatment devices use zooming to let the eyes look far away for a while, and then look closer, to train the eyeball's ciliary muscles to continuously contract and relax to relieve myopia; another is to help the eyes through atomization treatment. Relax. But from the clinical effect, children with myopia treatment devices may have a slight improvement in vision in the short term, but they will return to their original level afterwards." Zhang Xiaojun, director of the ophthalmology department of the Second Affiliated Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, told a reporter from Science and Technology Daily , The therapeutic effect of myopia treatment device is relatively limited.

  The eyeball is actually like a camera. To take a clear picture, you need to focus on the film.

The process of focusing is called adjustment, which relies on the movement of the muscles in the eye.

Looking close is like a spring contracting, that is, adjusting tension. Looking far away is a spring relaxing, that is, adjusting and relaxing. Excessive adjustment may lead to myopia.

  "The causes of myopia are complex, and people have not yet fully understood it. Genetic factors and environmental factors are important reasons for the formation of myopia. At present, myopia is preventable, controllable and uncontrollable, and outdoor activities for 2 hours a day are the most effective way to prevent myopia. A good way. Bathed in sunlight, sunlight can make the eyeballs secrete dopamine to achieve the purpose of controlling myopia." Zhang Xiaojun said.

  Studies have shown that the content of retinal dopamine is higher during the day and lower at night.

As a neurotransmitter released by light regulation on the retina, dopamine can improve the function of the retina during the day and inhibit the growth of the eyeball through light and visual signals.

Therefore, spend more time outdoors and increase sunlight exposure has a good effect on myopia prevention and control.

  At present, only some methods can be used to partially control the progress of myopia. Zhang Xiaojun said that the first method recognized by the industry is to wear an orthokeratology lens, and the other is to use a low concentration of 0.01% atropine every night. However, even these two methods are effective. Only about 50%.

  At the same time, he suggested that children should maintain the "three ones" when studying, that is, the distance between the desk and the chest is one punch, the distance between the eyes and the book is one foot, and the distance between the holding pen and the pen tip is one inch.