Teller Report

Coronavirus: the recommendations of the Scientific Council on the isolation of patients

9/9/2020, 5:56:06 PM

The Scientific Council has issued several recommendations, in particular on the isolation of infected people and their contact cases. In addition to reducing the fortnight to seven days, he recommends the adoption of home help measures. And also calls on the population to respect isolation.

The Scientific Council has issued several recommendations, in particular on the isolation of infected people and their contact cases.

In addition to reducing the fortnight to seven days, he recommends the adoption of home help measures.

And also calls on the population to respect isolation.


The Scientific Council strongly recalls this in its latest opinion, issued on September 3 and posted online this Wednesday: "isolation is one of the three pillars of the national strategy to fight against the coronavirus" (test-trace-isolate).

The Minister of Health, Olivier VĂ©ran, had already announced Tuesday that the Council, responsible for advising the government on the strategy to be carried out against the pandemic, had declared itself "in favor" to shorten to seven days the duration of isolation of people tested positive and their contact cases, compared to 14 currently.

But the Scientific Council also made other recommendations, pointing out in passing the shortcomings of the government strategy and not hesitating to criticize the non-compliance with isolation measures by part of the population.

Here is what to remember from this opinion which could lead to new decisions at the end of a defense council on Friday.  

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Government strategy criticized

The Scientific Council is not gentle with the government.

In his opinion, he notes "an isolation strategy without specifications or budget at the national level, recommendations that are not relayed to the public", or "the lack of precise data on the conditions and monitoring of the 'isolation".

The lack of public information is particularly singled out.

"The Scientific Council has also previously raised that communication concerning isolation was weaker than those relating to masks or screening, which


weakens the entire strategy to fight against the epidemic", is - he writes in this review.

Consequently, the Council asks the health authorities to provide "precise information on the protocol to be followed" and "a major communication effort".

It also recommends involving more members of civil society "in decision-making".


 Coronavirus: is it really useful to isolate all the cases detected?

The finding of non-compliance with isolation measures

The Scientific Council also calls on the population to respect more isolation measures.

To support his point, he cites an investigation carried out by the General Directorate of Health, which found "an increase in the refusal of health monitoring and non-compliance with isolation and fortnight measures by cases and contact persons at risk."

And the Council to insist that "every French understands and can apply the protocol to be followed in the event of contamination or suspected contamination."

No obligation but a call for "self-isolation"

Faced with this observation, there is no question of making isolation compulsory at present.

"The risk is significant in the event of compulsory isolation of reducing adherence to screening and early diagnosis," writes the Council.

"If isolation becomes compulsory and a series of restrictive measures frame this obligation, the risk of avoiding screening, early diagnosis and refusal is major, the sharing of information on contact persons on the part of cases is indeed important ", continues this opinion.

The Scientific Council recommends instead the promotion of "self-isolation".

According to him, priority must be given to family isolation for all members of the household.


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Assistance measures for isolated people

The Scientific Council is also showing audacity by asking for the implementation of real aid measures, the time of isolation, to encourage compliance with the "self-isolation" protocol.

It therefore proposes to prescribe work stoppages for employees, the cancellation of the usual waiting period in cases of sick leave or even a "compensation premium for loss of income" for the self-employed.

He also advocates medical certificates for children to justify their absence from school.

Finally, the Council even calls for the establishment of home services such as exist for disabled people, with food delivery and visits by doctors, nurses and social workers if necessary.