Teller Report

Corona deaths in Latin America cross the 300,000 mark

9/9/2020, 10:05:52 PM

The number of deaths due to the new Corona virus in Latin America and the Caribbean has exceeded the 300,000 mark, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse, the day before yesterday, according to official data. Brazil, which has a population of 212 million , More b

Brazil was hit hardest

Corona deaths in Latin America cross the 300,000 mark

A bus to transport employees in a poultry factory passes through a disinfection tunnel after the outbreak of the "epidemic" in the factory.


The number of deaths caused by the new Corona virus in Latin America and the Caribbean has exceeded the 300,000 mark, according to a census conducted by Agence France-Presse, the day before yesterday, based on official data.

While Brazil, with a population of 212 million, is still the continent most affected by the epidemic (4 million and 162 thousand and 73 infections, including 127 thousand and 464 deaths), the number of deaths resulting from the pandemic in Peru has exceeded the 30 thousand threshold.

And Peru, with a population of 33 million, has become the first country in the world in terms of death rate per population (93.28 deaths per 100,000 inhabitants), according to a classification published by Johns Hopkins University.

The number of people infected with the virus in Peru exceeded 691,500, of whom more than 30,000 died.

These numbers only reflect a part of the actual number of injuries, as several countries do not conduct checks except for the most serious cases, while other countries give priority to conducting tests to track contacts of the injured, while other countries suffer limited financial capabilities to conduct the necessary number of tests.

This toll was prepared based on data collected by Agence France-Presse offices from the competent national authorities, and based on information published by the World Health Organization.

Peru is the first in the world in terms of death rate, in relation to population.

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