Teller Report

Confessions of the first time from Myanmar soldiers ... he ordered us to kill children and rape Rohingya women

9/9/2020, 10:05:06 PM

Two Myanmar soldiers revealed that they were asked to "shoot anything they hear", rape women, and execute children during operations to "remove" the Rohingya Muslim villages. This confession is believed to be the first of its kind by soldiers directly participating in the genocide that Hakk described

Confessions of the first time from Myanmar soldiers ... he ordered us to kill children and rape Rohingya women

Two Myanmar soldiers revealed that they were asked to "shoot anything they heard", rape women, and execute children during operations to "remove" the Rohingya Muslim villages.

It is believed that this recognition is the first of its kind by soldiers who are directly involved in the genocide that the Myanmar government has described as a "clean-up" for Rakhine State.

One of the soldiers admitted that he raped a number of women, and said that he asked them to eliminate "klar", which is a local word for the Rohingya, and he described how they invaded villages and slaughtered adults and children alike.

So far, about 700,000 Rohingya people have fled to neighboring Bangladesh to escape the brutalities that occurred in 2017.

The Myanmar government has denied accusations that security forces have carried out mass killings, rapes and burned thousands of homes.

Fort Rights, a non-governmental human rights organization that obtained a registration of confession, said that two soldiers, Mayo Win Tu, 33, and Zhu Nang Ton, 30, who served in various light infantry battalions, said that about 19 soldiers had committed the crimes. Directly, from the Myanmar army, including the two soldiers, as well as six commanding officers, of whom the two soldiers said they gave orders and participated in the atrocities against the Rohingya.

The two soldiers are now believed to be in custody of the International Criminal Court in The Hague, and were photographed in January after being held by the Arkan Army, a militia group in Rakhine fighting against Myanmar.

In a separate video filming, Mayo Wayne said that the commander of the fifteenth military operations center, named Colonel Than Htik, was the one who issued orders to kill everyone whose voice we hear when storming Muslim villages.

In one of the operations, he said, they killed and buried about 30 people, including eight women, seven children, and 15 men.

The soldier said that they were shooting the men in the forehead and kicking them with their legs in a special pit to bury them.

The women were raped before they were killed, and he admitted that he raped many women.

Another soldier, Zhou Nang Tun, described how his unit had "cleared" 20 villages.

He added that he participated in the looting of villages, where he said that the head of the unit he was in told them that whatever you get, it is for you.

He said that there were cases of rape before him, but he confirmed that he did not participate in them.

The "Fort Rights" organization said that the two soldiers were on the borders of Bangladesh and the government of that country handed them over to the International Criminal Court.

The organization demanded that the two soldiers be tried by the International Court and placed within the witness protection program.

The United Nations agencies and human rights organizations have documented the atrocities committed against the Rohingya by the security forces in Myanmar.

Last year, the International Criminal Court agreed to initiate a case stating that Myanmar had committed genocide against the Rohingya, and the court proceedings are expected to continue for several years.

Soldier Zhou Nang Tun testifies.

From the source

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  • # Myanmar,

  • #Soldiers,

  • #Lohinga

  • #rape,

  • #Women,

  • #killing,

  • #children

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