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Ali bin Thalith: The depths of the sea is an enchanted world in which I forget myself

9/9/2020, 10:05:29 PM

The Secretary-General of the Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Prize for Photography, photographer Ali Khalifa bin Thalith, confirmed that diving into the depths of the sea is no longer just a journey to photograph creatures on the seabed for him, but it has become a state of spiritual communication and contemplation, calling on youth

The owner of 3000 dives tells his story with "Underwater Photography"

Ali bin Thalith: The depths of the sea is an enchanted world in which I forget myself

  • Ali bin Thalith: I hope everyone will see what I saw at sea.

    From the source


The Secretary-General of the Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum International Prize for Photography, photographer Ali Khalifa bin Thalith, confirmed that diving into the depths of the sea is no longer just a journey to photograph creatures on the seabed for him, but it has become a state of spiritual communication and contemplation, calling on youth to Searching for a hobby or field that is popular with them, and engaging in it until they discover what suits their passions, and at which time their lives may change and they head towards a different, more successful path.

Bin Thalith revealed that his next book will be in Arabic, in which he will deal with his feelings during underwater photography, adding: “At the beginning of diving and filming in the depths, pictures were what interest me and concern me, but now, after my balance became between 2,500 and 3,000 dives, it was not Pictures are a priority, but the seabed has become like a niche in which I contemplate the power and creativity of God in the creatures surrounding me, their behavior and their forms. I feel as if there is a state of contact between me and these beings, and I hope that all people see what I saw in the sea and feel what I feel.

there is more

Bin Thalith continued, during the virtual session organized by the “Bahr al-Thaqafa” Foundation, the day before yesterday, under the title “Underwater Photography: Aesthetic and Human Dimensions”, presented by the editor-in-chief of the Arab National Geographic magazine, Al-Saad Al-Minhali: “The more I dive into The sea has discovered that there is more information that needs to be discovered and searched for. The sea is like an enchanted world in which I forget myself, and therefore I make sure to have a device with me to alert me to the need to go out on time, ”noting that this shift in his relationship with diving began in 2008 when He was diving in Malaysia.

He pointed out that diving and the sea changed his personality, making him patient, sweet and calm, in addition to what they gave him the opportunity to contemplate the power of God and how he distributed the livelihood of creatures of all different and diversity, and how he made available to the creatures at the bottom of the sea their livelihood, whether minute or huge.

since childhood

Bin Thalith explained that his relationship with the sea dates back to his childhood, as his father was a diver to search for pearls, as well as his grandfather, and his family lived in Jumeirah in Dubai, and during his childhood most of the activities and hobbies he practiced with his peers were related to the sea, which led him to the sea and photography.

He pointed out that his relationship with photography began through his two brothers and their passion in this field.

In 2004, his brother, a heritage researcher, asked him to accompany him to one of the reserves and photograph there, but the pictures were all poor, which prompted him to research and read to master photography.


During the session, Bin Thalith reviewed a set of pictures that he had taken and his memories of each of them, such as the first picture of him that gets a global honor, and pictures of rare-appearing creatures, as well as a picture of an elephant swimming in the water, explaining that photographing an elephant swimming is a difficult thing to happen, but His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Executive Council, gave him this opportunity after inviting him to photograph something unusual in India.

He added: “When His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed, whom I considered my first supporter, directed me to invite, I did not imagine that I would photograph an elephant in the water, and as soon as the elephant came and descended into the water, I found myself greedily taking pictures of it, realizing that it was a moment that would not be repeated.

Then I learned that the inhabitants of that region were using elephants to transport goods and people from one island to another, and then this elephant was referred to retirement due to its old age. ”

4 factors

Bin Thalith identified four factors that must be present in a person practicing underwater photography, according to his experience spanning two decades in this field, the first of which is to have experience in dealing with the camera and filming with it, and to be proficient in diving so that he can move freely to take pictures And to act as a tour guide for himself, so he prepares before diving by reading about the creature that he seeks to photograph and the seasons in which he is in the place of filming, as well as knowing the nature of this place, and communicating with the diving organization or destination that he will go with, in addition to having the ability to maintain the equipment that he uses During diving and photography, it is a very broad field that needs experience and knowledge.

He pointed out that there were insufficient references to underwater photography in the Arabic language, and that what helped him develop his talent was his mastery of the French language, which allowed him to read references and wrote in them, advising photographers to abide by safety instructions and guidelines, "There is no picture that equals the value of a person's life and safety."

He mentioned that there are sea lines that cannot be crossed because he is jealous of these lines, as he calculates his steps well, especially when he approaches the creatures in it, and there are specialized courses that are offered to those who work in this field.

Every ocean has its own scent

Ali bin Thalith said that he dived in most of the oceans, and he feels that each ocean has a different and special smell than others, and intends to dive in the Red Sea in the coming period.

He touched on the impact of man on the environment, considering that man causes the greatest harm to the environment and the organisms that live in it due to his unfair activities and the harmful waste he creates, which made him interested in designing programs to reduce these damages such as a program to get rid of plastic waste that destroys wildlife And marine, and behind the death of many marine organisms, such as turtles and others.

"His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, my first supporter."

"Diving changed my personality, making me patient, sweet, and calm in mood."

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