Teller Report

After he displaced them and demolished their homes, where will the anger of Egyptians reach Al-Sisi?

9/9/2020, 7:23:06 PM

Political science professor at Cairo University Saif El-Din Abdel Fattah confirmed that President Abdel-Fattah El-Sisi demolishing Egyptian homes under the pretext of violating building laws increases the accumulated tension among the Egyptian people.

Despite the demonstrations taking place in many Egyptian cities for days in protest against the Egyptian authorities' beginning to demolish citizens ’homes, and despite the slogans that fill social media platforms, in which Egyptians confirm their rejection of Sisi remaining in power, the professor of political science emphasized that the transformation of these angry and angry demonstrations is not necessarily inevitable. Explaining that revolutions have laws, conditions and personalities.

In his statements to the "Beyond the News" program on (9/9/2020), he affirmed that the real goal behind the authorities' demolition of Egyptian homes is to protect money only, after Sisi burdened the Egyptian economy with debts, so he needed more money to pay off part of the debt. Therefore, he only found in front of him the threat of Egyptians to be displaced from their homes if they did not settle the building violation by paying money.

The Egyptian Prime Minister announced today that the state gave the violators of construction 6 months ending at the end of this month, as it gave them the opportunity to pay their violations in favorable installments that last up to 3 years and without interest, if they wanted to stay in their homes, which confirms that the state is ready to accept What it calls encroachment on state lands and agricultural lands if the violating citizen pays them money.

Confirming his conviction that the Sisi regime seeks only to collect money from the Egyptians, the university professor questioned the secret of the countries ’silence throughout dozens of decades on these violating buildings, and asked why they had delivered water and electricity services to them, and why those who allowed the delivery of services were not held accountable, which allowed them Generations are passed down to these homes.

However, researcher and political analyst Ahmed Al-Anani rejected these accusations to President El-Sisi and the Egyptian authorities, stressing that the demolition of the violating homes comes within the framework of extending the state's sovereignty and protecting agricultural lands and thus protecting the country's economy.

Al-Anani denied the existence of anger in the Egyptian people over the recent demolition decisions, and denied the existence of demonstrations against Sisi, who said that he enjoys very high popularity within the Egyptian street, and considered the images broadcast of demonstrations in Egypt or slogans raised against Sisi on social media platforms as nothing but attempts Of the Muslim Brotherhood and some media platforms affiliated with them to serve the Brotherhood's agenda, as he claimed.

Over the past few days, social media platforms have been filled with hashs calling for Sisi to leave and others that assure him that the Egyptian people no longer want him in power, and the Egyptians have also raised slogans quite similar to the slogans of the January 25 2011 revolution, which toppled former Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak.

However, according to Al-Anani, there is no room in Egypt for any revolution against Sisi, because Egyptians greatly appreciate the achievements he has made since he came to power, whether at the level of the economy, infrastructure or tourism.

The Cairo-based researcher rejected Dr. Abdel-Fattah's accusation to President Al-Sisi that he had seized power in Egypt, stressing that the man came to power through a popular revolution and fair elections.