Teller Report

Abeer Sabry: Unfortunately, absolute heroism has other calculations than talent

9/9/2020, 10:06:57 PM

Despite her long career, and the important roles that she ventures into performing in several series and films, the absolute championship continues to compete with the artist Abeer Sabry, who believes that this matter has other accounts than talent, adding that she loves to present difficult characters and complex roles that female artists are very afraid of.

She saw that her bet on the role of the "traitorous wife" was right

Abeer Sabry: Unfortunately, absolute heroism has other calculations than talent


Despite her long career, and the important roles that she ventures into performing in several series and films, the absolute heroism is still contesting the artist Abeer Sabri, who believes that this matter has other accounts than talent, adding that she loves to present difficult characters and complex roles that many artists fear to perform, as it was The case with the role of the "traitorous wife" in her latest series "Betrayal of a covenant", accompanied by the star Yusra.

In her interview with Emirates Today, Abeer Sabri said: “Unfortunately, absolute heroism, currently, has accounts other than acting and artistic career. Most of the actresses who have absolute championships have some support, whether from a production company or (a group) or someone who can pay. The representative of the absolute heroism, and the topic currently - unfortunately - has nothing to do with talent and good roles, and there are many examples that the public knows, and Ramadan's recent works are the closest example of my words.

She added, "I may be unlucky as much as my talent and my artistic career, but this is in spite of me, but I consider any role that I play is an absolute heroism as long as people love it and interact with it, while divorced heroines are imposed, and they fail miserably and very insulting."

Of flesh and blood

Abeer Sabri confirmed: “For many years I have been acting, and it was not just roles for me. Rather, these characters have turned into human models that I try to select, interact with and build, and define all their flesh and blood details, which is why I was shown the character of the traitorous wife in the series“ Betrayal ” Ahed »I was in a state of confusion. The woman is very treacherous and the personality is very thorny.

And she continued, "The truth is that I challenged myself, and was encouraged because I am with a very strong team. I put myself as an expression in front of the mischievous, mischievous and traitorous wife Nadia, and I realized that I am in front of a very complex personality, and I must find excuses for her evil, and I began preparing for the form, performance and everything."

And about the scenes of work with the star Yusra, who performed the "betrayal of Ahed" tournament, and how she benefited from her, describing her as "a star, a human being, an artist and a friend of the highest standards that anyone can imagine. I do not exaggerate if I say that it is one of the sweetest things that happened in my life, and I am fortunate that I dealt With her for a long time in a work of art, and if they ask me about her throughout life, I will say that she is my role model in art, and I consider her an Arab star by international standards, as she was wonderful on the human level during filming, as she is a friend and a calm, supportive and encouraging person for all, and the backstage of working with her is one of the most beautiful things that can happen in Backstage of any studio and art producer ».

Abeer Sabry confirmed that she learned a lot from Yusra “in photography and after it, and even in her regular sessions, she is a very useful person, and when she talks about herself or her artistic history, you find millions of experiences and meanings added to your personality, in addition to that she speaks well for everyone and releases positive energy. Wherever you are, this is reflected in all of our energy, giving, and our comfort in working and outside it. ''

As for the presence of more than one actress and star in the "betrayal of the era" other than Yusra, such as Hala Shiha and Jumana Murad, and the effect of the abundance of female roles, Abeer Sabri explained: “The multiplicity of female roles does not occupy me, on the contrary, this is something that raises enthusiasm, and gives the work richness, and I believe that modern drama She also encourages multiple stars and roles, because the audience loves this method, and pays attention to the rich dramatic lines, and every actress was strongly focused on her role, and did not pay attention to the role of the other, and thank God the series achieved great success, and no role was similar to the other because of the well-written characters, director Sameh Abdulaziz, who takes care of every character, even if it is very young at work.


On the adventure of presenting the role of a traitorous woman and a wife who deceives her partner, and the consequent fears of some actresses who refuse such roles, while Abeer Sabry presented him in “Betrayal of Ahd”, she said: “All the positive and negative characters, good and evil, exist in reality, and must be The actor should not be afraid of making a decision to present an important role, no matter how dangerous, frightening and unconventional, and the only criterion for me is that the role is important, pivotal, rich, and adds to me and achieves controversy, and for this I do not concern me with concerns about choosing roles, on the contrary, the more scary the role the more enthusiasm for it if it is indeed Integrated, and the stars in the whole world embody all kinds of roles without any hesitation or calculations such as fear or hate the audience ».

And she continued: "I loved the role of the traitorous wife very much, and I was excited about it and I knew that people would interact with him, and some sympathized with the character when I tried to repent, but she was killed, and the role achieved a great reaction that pleased me, and I felt that my bet was right."

Lucky for my husband

Actress Abeer Sabri said about her husband, Dr. Ayman Al-Bayaa, and his support for her: “Perhaps I am very lucky in this region, thank God. My husband is a wonderful man, and he supports me all the time, and not only that, he asks me to tell him about the roles, so he chooses with me and adds to me From his experience ».

An actor should not be afraid of any role ... even if it is evil or unconventional.

The superstar Yusra Qodouti ... she is an Arab artist with rare international specifications.

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