Teller Report

"All 26 proposals from the Migration Committee will be submitted for consultation"

9/9/2020, 8:44:18 PM

All 26 items in the Migration Committee's final report will be submitted for consultation. This is what Stefan Löfven says in an interview in Wednesday's Aktuellt - despite the Green Party's protests. - When the government receives a report and we receive it next week, then the process begins, says Stefan Löfven.

Next week, the Migration Committee's final report will be presented and will thus be taken over by the government.

All 26 points will be submitted for consultation, states Prime Minister Stefan Löfven in Aktuellt.

The Green Party has demanded that the investigation not be sent out for consultation in its entirety.

- When the government receives a report and we receive it next week, then the process begins.

Then the government must prepare it before sending it out for consultation.

For me, it is a natural proposal that has come from a parliamentary committee that has worked for a year, says Stefan Löfven in Aktuellt and continues:

- It was not possible to submit a unanimous report, but a report has been voted on, that it should go out for consultation is natural for me, says Stefan Löfven.

All 26 points or?

- It is a parliamentary committee that worked.

There are the parties with all parties.

They could not agree on a joint report, but they have voted on many issues and here is the least common denominator, says Stefan Löfven.

The Green Party says that this is not the case at all, only some of the points will be submitted for consultation?

- Do not make sub-question the main question, it will come to the government next week, then the preparation begins in the Government Offices.

Then we will make sure that we have new legislation in place in July next year, legislation that is sustainable and which means that we do not return to the situation we had in the autumn of 2015.