Teller Report

The University of Sharjah and Ajman set precautionary measures to ensure student safety

9/8/2020, 10:17:22 AM

The University of Sharjah and Ajman University confirmed that they have taken a series of measures to ensure the safety of students and protect them from the risk of spreading and transmitting Corona virus infection among them, indicating that they have prepared a comprehensive plan and issued strict instructions and laws for everyone who violates the instructions, indicating that entry will not be allowed

The University of Sharjah and Ajman set precautionary measures to ensure student safety

The University of Sharjah and Ajman University confirmed that they have taken a series of measures to ensure the safety of students and protect them from the risk of spreading and transmitting Corona virus infection among them, indicating that they have prepared a comprehensive plan and issued strict instructions and laws for everyone who violates the instructions, indicating that it will not be allowed to enter the campus for affiliates who do not They hold a negative result for the Covid 19 examination, pointing out that the education system will be on-campus for some courses and remotely for theoretical courses.

In detail, the Director of Ajman University, Dr. Karim Al-Sagheer, affirmed that the university has taken all required precautionary measures and arrangements to ensure the protection of the campus environment, pointing out that the safety of students, faculty and staff will remain an absolute priority, indicating that the university has prepared a comprehensive plan for operation in accordance with the protocols, requirements and precautionary measures received From the Ministry of Education while continuing to provide high-quality and effective education to students in an environment that stimulates learning.

And he continued: The university issued a comprehensive and clear list that was sent to all university employees about safety measures, and general guidelines to limit the spread of Covid-19, and strict procedures have been put in place for everyone who violates these guidelines on the campus, noting that one of the most important of these procedures is that entry to the campus will not be allowed. The university is for affiliates who do not have a negative result for a Covid 19 test, and a temperature test will be performed before entering the campus, and everyone is required to wear face masks and maintain physical distance, pointing out that the university announced special instructions for the use of various facilities on the campus, such as classrooms. Housing, library, university transportation, etc.

He pointed out that Ajman University is keen on the health and safety of students and members of the academic and administrative bodies, as it has succeeded in the experience of distance learning during the second and summer semester, as the university will teach all theoretical courses remotely, while the practical part of the courses will be covered face to face on campus. Noting that this hybrid model will help maintain the highest standards of health, safety and academic quality.

Dr. Karim Al-Sagheer said that in line with the requirements of the Ministry of Education to apply the rules of social distancing, a certain percentage of students registered in practical courses (laboratories, studios, and clinics) can be on campus, and students registered in these courses will be divided into small groups that allow them Attending practical courses on campus in a safe environment. As for midterm and end-of-semester exams, they will be held on campus in classrooms and other additional facilities to ensure equal opportunities and academic integrity.

While the University of Sharjah confirmed to "Emirates Today" that in implementation of the directives issued by the competent health authorities, the university has completed implementing all precautionary and preventive measures to receive the new academic year, by providing educational posters and leaflets in all campus facilities, and providing sterilizers and means of personal protection for all. In addition to supervising the implementation of quarantine procedures for students and members of the administrative and teaching bodies returning from abroad, and stressing the necessity of conducting the necessary medical examinations for all before starting work, and the university also applies strict supervision to the process of organizing entry and exit from the buildings and campuses of the university, by providing cameras Thermal monitoring at all university entrances.

The university administration confirmed the completion of all preparations that will be applied in the educational process during the new academic year, including the continuation of the distance learning system for theoretical courses, and the development of the scientific content for these courses to match the nature of distance learning, and the blended learning system (hybrid) will be applied for practical courses. Field and clinical training to ensure social distancing and to ensure the quality of teaching and learning as well, in addition to the use of modern technical programs (simulation programs) provided by the university for its students and members of its teaching and administrative staff to perform virtual interactive experiments in virtual laboratories and laboratories, and to apply all controls and precautionary measures during the presence of students to attend Practical courses.

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