Teller Report

Su-27 intercepted reconnaissance aircraft of the United States and Sweden over the Baltic Sea

9/8/2020, 2:06:42 PM

The Russian Su-27 fighter flew to intercept reconnaissance aircraft of the United States and Sweden over the Baltic Sea, according to the Russian National Defense Control Center.

As noted, two aerial targets were detected by means of control on Tuesday, September 8, over neutral waters. 

"To identify air targets and prevent violation of the state border of Russia, a Su-27 fighter was taken into the air from the air defense forces of the Baltic Fleet," RIA Novosti reported.

The crew identified the aerial targets as the American strategic reconnaissance aircraft RC-135 and the Swedish Gulfstream, the center reported.

After their turn from the state border, the Russian fighter safely returned to the home airfield.

It is emphasized that there was no violation of the state border. 

Earlier it was reported that the MiG-29 intercepted a Norwegian Air Force plane over the Barents Sea.

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