Teller Report

School, Arcuri: calendar decided by regions, I would open after vote

9/8/2020, 9:08:34 PM

The Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid-19 emergencyAzzolina: "Country mobilized for back to school" Share 08 September 2020 "I would have opened the schools after the elections, on 24 September, as some regions will do. We have contracted 2 million traditional desks and 400 thousand with wheels. We have ensured that we will deliver them all by the end of October". This was stated by Domenico Arcuri, Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid emerge

  • Azzolina: "Country mobilized for back to school"


08 September 2020 "I would have opened the schools after the elections, on 24 September, as some regions will do. We have contracted 2 million traditional desks and 400 thousand with wheels. We have ensured that we will deliver them all by the end of October". This was stated by Domenico Arcuri, Extraordinary Commissioner for the Covid emergency, interviewed on 'Cartabianca' on Rai3. 

"The surgical masks have already been distributed to schools," Arcuri also said. "Anyone who tells families - Arcuri pointed out - that they need to buy the mask is false because the Government sends 11 million masks to all schools every day. It is the only government in the world".