Teller Report

Rapper Moha La Squale accused of sexual assault, an open investigation

9/8/2020, 7:35:28 PM

An investigation has been opened for & quot; willful violence & quot ;, & quot; sexual assault & quot; and "death threats" after the complaints of three women against the Parisian rapper Moha La Squale. Three other complainants are expected to file a complaint shortly. Some facts go back more than two years, others a few months.

An investigation was opened for "voluntary violence", "sexual assault" and "death threats" after the complaints of three women against the Parisian rapper Moha La Squale.

Three other complainants are expected to file a complaint shortly.

Some facts go back more than two years, others a few months.

An investigation was opened for "willful violence", "sexual assault" and "death threats" after the complaints of three women against the Parisian rapper Moha La Squale, we learned Tuesday from the Paris prosecutor's office.

Moha La Squale's lawyer, Me Elise Arfi, could not be reached.

"Three complaints were filed against him Monday by three former companions," said the prosecution, confirming information from



"There are a total of six victims, including three with a known identity" who lodged a complaint Monday evening at the 9th arrondissement police station, said a source familiar with the matter.

The other three should file a complaint in their turn soon, according to the same source.

The complainants, aged 23 to 28, "provided the police with rather long testimonies" and "the hearings ended early Tuesday morning," their lawyer, Me Thibault Stumm, told AFP.

"Some facts go back more than two years, others to a few months," he added.

Since Sunday, the 25-year-old rapper has been the target on social networks of accusations of sexual violence and threats from several young women, some of whom have expressed their willingness to file a complaint.

The investigation was entrusted to the Parisian judicial police.

Judgment expected in March in an aggravated refusal to comply

Moha La Squale must also be tried in March for an aggravated refusal to comply, contempt of a person holding public authority and rebellion.

He was arrested in June following a traffic check, the police having noted that he was the subject of a search warrant for a "motorcycle rodeo" a month earlier. 

The rapper was one of the big revelations of 2018 with his first album


, acclaimed by the public (gold record, more than 50,000 copies sold) and by the critics.

Nominated for the Victoires de la musique 2019, the charismatic artist with long hair, passed by the Cours Florent, was spotted with "freestyles" posted on Facebook and YouTube, where we see him rapping in his kitchen or in his neighborhood from "La Banane" to Ménilmontant, in the 20th arrondissement.

He already told about the street, his daily life and his life before, when he was a drug dealer and had been in prison.