Teller Report

Iran calls for a unified position with Turkey .. The White House will host next Tuesday the signing of the Emirati-Israeli normalization agreement

9/8/2020, 8:47:05 PM

A senior White House official confirmed to the island that the normalization agreement between Israel and the UAE will be signed on the 15th of this month at the White House, while the Iranian president said that Turkey and Iran should take a unified decision on the agreement.

A senior White House official confirmed to the island that the normalization agreement between Israel and the UAE will be signed on the 15th of this month at the White House, while Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said that his country and Turkey should take a unified decision on the Emirati-Israeli agreement.

The Associated Press quoted a US official at the White House as saying that President Donald Trump will host the signing ceremony of the Abraham Agreement between Israel and the UAE, adding that two delegations of senior officials from Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv will participate in the signing ceremony.

The same source added that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will lead the Israeli delegation, while the Emirati delegation will be headed by Foreign Minister Sheikh Abdullah bin Zayed.

Under the Israeli-Emirati normalization agreement brokered by the Trump administration, Tel Aviv agreed to freeze the plan to annex swathes of the occupied West Bank lands, while the Palestinian leadership saw the normalization agreement as a betrayal and a violation of the Arab consensus that normalization of relations with Israel in exchange for peace with the Palestinian side .

other countries

Trump and other officials in his administration have said they expect Saudi Arabia and other countries to follow the example of the UAE in recognizing Israel and normalizing relations with it.

Following the expected signing of the normalization agreement, the UAE will be the first Gulf country and the third Arab country to establish diplomatic relations with Israel, after Egypt in 1979 and Jordan in 1994.

The signing ceremony came a month after the announcement that Abu Dhabi and Tel Aviv reached an agreement to normalize relations between them on August 13th.

This announcement was followed by the first direct commercial trip between the two sides, the establishment of telephone lines, and commitments to cooperation in many areas, as an American and Israeli delegation visited Abu Dhabi a few days ago and discussed ways of cooperation between the UAE and Israel in several areas.

Economic delegation

In a related context, the Israeli official radio, citing an informed source, said that an Emirati delegation will arrive in Israel within the next two weeks, including government officials and businessmen.

Today, the president of Bank "Hapoalim" - the largest bank in Israel - led a delegation of businessmen, which arrived in the Emirates, on the first visit of an economic delegation after the announcement of the normalization of relations.

The delegation included a small group of businessmen in the fields of high technology, financial technology and industry.

On the other hand, the head of the Defense and Foreign Relations Committee of the Federal National Council in the Emirates, Ali Al-Naimi, said - in an interview to the Israeli newspaper "Yediot Aharonot" - that the Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed, will visit Israel very soon.

Al-Nuaimi added that the US administration is working to ensure that the largest possible number of Arab leaders attend the signing of the normalization agreement between the UAE and Israel, and said that the agreement will bring warm relations between the Emiratis and the Israelis, not as is the case between Israel, Jordan and Egypt, as he put it.

On the other hand, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani said - during the sixth meeting of the Iranian-Turkish Cooperation Council - that the Emirati normalization with Israel is considered a threat to the security of the region and harms the Islamic world and the Palestinian cause.

Rouhani stressed the need for his country and Turkey to take a unified position towards the Israeli-Emirati normalization agreement, adding that "the countries of the region and the neighboring countries are able to guarantee the security of the region, and foreign interference will impede the achievement of this goal."