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Yu Minhong's speech at the Service Trade Fair: New Opportunities and New Challenges for Educational Development

9/7/2020, 3:20:10 AM

  China News Service, September 6-On September 5, Yu Minhong, Chairman of New Oriental Education Technology Group, attended the 2020 China International Trade in Services International Education Service Trade Forum and delivered a keynote speech. In his speech, he analyzed the direct impact of the epidemic on education, and elaborated in his eyes the new challenges and opportunities for education

  China News Service, September 6-On September 5, Yu Minhong, Chairman of New Oriental Education Technology Group, attended the 2020 China International Trade in Services International Education Service Trade Forum and delivered a keynote speech.

In his speech, he analyzed the direct impact of the epidemic on education, and elaborated in his eyes the new challenges and opportunities for education development in the post-epidemic era.

The epidemic has brought four direct impacts and four new challenges to education

  Yu Minhong said that the direct impact of the epidemic on education mainly includes four aspects. One is that "classes are not suspended" in emergency situations.

Both public schools and private institutions transfer offline classrooms to online classes to try to ensure the normal teaching progress of teachers and students.

However, this transition under emergency conditions also exposed many problems, such as system jams, teachers' inadaptability to online teaching, students' inattention during online classes, and unsatisfactory teaching effects.

The advantages and disadvantages of online education in the epidemic have become clearer; second, the epidemic has increased the time parents spend with their children, and parent-child relationships have become more conflicted, and family education problems have become more prominent; third, the global epidemic has led to the choice of studying abroad. Educational exchanges have basically stagnated, which has brought a certain impact to New Oriental and other companies with overseas study-related businesses; fourth, the education industry has shuffled and integrated, tens of thousands of offline education institutions have closed down, and online education institutions have accelerated development.

  In the post-epidemic era, Yu Minhong believes that the development of education will face brand-new challenges. For example, the online education model or the online education model will have an impact on the existing education organization management system. We must proceed according to the actual situation. Adjustment; the application of technology is changing the traditional perception of education; how to define online and offline?

Is online a supplement to offline, or will it become a major education method that deserves people's deeper thinking and exploration; can education equity be truly realized through technology?

On the one hand, science and technology can transport high-quality educational resources to remote areas and promote the equalization of educational resources, but on the other hand, it seems that the gap between urban and rural science and technology has brought new injustices.

  In Yu Minhong's view, due to the promotion of capital and other factors, private education has invested a lot of research and development in the integration of education and technology, and has achieved certain results.

In the future, the best combination of education and technology products and systems to be used in public schools is likely to come from the private sector. This promotes the integration of China's education field, which can not only improve the quality of education services, but also promote the balance of education in China.

Yu Minhong, Chairman of New Oriental Education Technology Group, delivered a speech at the International Education Service Trade Forum

The epidemic has catalyzed changes in educational concepts, methods, forms, and evaluations, and educational development ushered in new opportunities

  "While facing new challenges, the epidemic has actually triggered people's reflection on education, objectively promoted the progress and innovation of education, and brought new development opportunities." Yu Minhong pointed out that the outbreak of the epidemic has made people aware of health. The importance of health education, safety education, and life education, pay more attention to education issues such as family education, parent-child relationship, and become more aware of the important role of technology in the field of education. With the help of scientific and technological achievements and the Internet, impossible education becomes possible .

"In the past we used to think of schools as classrooms for imparting knowledge to students, but now that technology has enabled more ways to learn knowledge, schools must become a place where students can truly achieve all-round growth and cultivate students' practical application of knowledge. , Personality, independent thinking ability, social responsibility, etc. So the goals and concepts of education have actually changed."

  From the perspective of the transformation of educational methods, Yu Minhong believes that artificial intelligence and big data analysis will be widely used in the education field. In the future, pure online and offline education will continue to exist, but the OMO model of online and offline integration may Become the mainstream.

In addition, the vertical division of labor in the education industry chain will be more professional, and technical platforms, support tools, and content services will be more refined.

In the form of education, there will be multiple levels of integration, such as the combination of school education and folk education, the combination of family education and online content, the combination of knowledge education and personality education, and so on.

With the help of AI, 5G, and blockchain technology, the future education evaluation method will change from a single result evaluation to a process and result multi-dimensional evaluation, and the definition of students' abilities will be more fair.

  At the end of the speech, Yu Minhong emphasized that new forms of education are unstoppable, and the key is that we should not forget the purpose of education.

"For a country, it is most important to achieve two educational goals: one is to make everyone a creative citizen for life, and the other is to allow everyone to have the opportunity to receive a fair and just education. Everything else is It is a means to achieve these two ends."

  With the acceleration of the process of globalization and the expansion of China's education opening to the outside world, the importance of China's education services in the service trade system has become increasingly prominent.

For the first time in 2020, the Service Trade Association will add education topics, hold the International Education Service Trade Forum and Education Service Special Exhibitions, which will elevate the education service trade to a new level.

  It is understood that the 2020 Service Trade Fair Education Service Special Exhibition will last until September 9.

New Oriental looks forward to joining hands with institutions in the education industry with an open attitude to jointly promote the in-depth integration of education and technology, provide the public with higher quality and more diversified education services, and help the progress and balanced development of education.