Teller Report

Service Trade Fair "Technology Faner" full robot collective "show talent"

9/7/2020, 2:21:33 PM

  [Explanation] On September 7, the 2020 China International Trade in Services Fair (hereinafter referred to as the China International Trade in Services Fair) is being held. As a highlight of the Fair, the "technological" robots attracted the attention of many visitors. .   [Explanation] In the service robot exhibition area, a "robot dog" shaking its head and tail became the most popular "star".

  [Explanation] On September 7, the 2020 China International Trade in Services Fair (hereinafter referred to as the China International Trade in Services Fair) is being held. As a highlight of the Fair, the "technological" robots attracted the attention of many visitors. .

  [Explanation] In the service robot exhibition area, a "robot dog" shaking its head and tail became the most popular "star".

Backflip, roll test, climb stairs, dance...every action will attract people's joy.

  【Live screen】

  [Explanation] According to reports, the agile and flexible "robotic dog" is actually a quadruped robot. By imitating the "gait" of a quadruped animal, the "robotic dog" can adapt to various complex road conditions and can be widely used in security inspections and logistics operations. , Survey and exploration, public rescue, etc.

  [Concurrent] Wang Qixin, Marketing Manager of Hangzhou Yushu Technology Co., Ltd.

  We know that a wheeled or crawler robot may be difficult for it with a small step. The quadruped robot imitates a bionic robot of a quadruped, it can adapt to complex road conditions, so it can reach many people Unable to go and places that wheeled robots cannot go.

We hope that the quadruped robot can be developed better in the future, and it can truly integrate into the lives of the public and provide more help to everyone.

  [Explanation] Mineral water bottles, cans, paper cups...Do you know what garbage these are?

At the service trade fair, a dual-arm collaborative robot dexterously grasped the garbage on the crawler, and skillfully sorted it and put it into different trash cans.

According to the staff, after training, the robot can identify and sort garbage autonomously, with an accuracy rate of over 98%.

  [Concurrent] Cui Hengfeng, Engineer of ABB China Co., Ltd.

  It can help people reduce some work pressures, and can also help people accurately identify garbage, because people's memories are sometimes fuzzy, and robots can use their own algorithms to accurately know which garbage this garbage belongs to.

  [Explanation] In the exhibition area, a passive lower limb exoskeleton designed specifically for the elderly aroused the interest of the audience, who are eager to wear it.

According to reports, this device can assist the hip, knee, and ankle joints without external force.

  [Concurrent] Li Xuewei, General Manager of Siasun Medical and Health Robot Division

  It mainly solves the nursing problems of the elderly and the disabled, as well as rehabilitation problems, and some emotional support problems, to solve their actual life problems.

  [Explanation] In addition, there will be "cooking robots", "serving robots" and "bionic shark robots" at the service trade fair, bringing a gluttonous feast to the audience.

  Reporter Liu Chao and Xu Pengpeng report from Beijing

Editor in charge: [Ji Xiang]