Teller Report

Inés Arrimadas was already negotiating with the Government before the state of alarm

9/7/2020, 12:40:31 AM

The fluid relationship and that many already qualify as partners exhibiting these days the PSOE and Ciudadanos began on March 8. That day, Inés Arrimadas was elected in the new primary pre

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The fluid relationship and that many already qualify as partners exhibiting these days the PSOE and Ciudadanos began on March 8.

That day, Inés Arrimadas was elected in the primary new president of Ciudadanos.

That day there were the massive feminist mobilizations that have generated so much political and health controversy.

That day, Spain already had 17 deaths and more than half a thousand infected by coronavirus.

That day, one of Arrimadas' first decisions was to knock on Moncloa's door to establish a line of communication.

Six months later, the Socialists already prioritize Cs as a partner to negotiate the


, and with them they have negotiated the extensions of the

state of alarm

, the economic measures and have maintained dialogue on the return to schools, among other things.

The relationship between the two neither arises nor is intensified now by public accounts.

It started before the state of alarm.

Negotiator thaw.

From the Citizens' leadership they admit that despite taking the initiative, they did not have communication lines with either Moncloa or the PSOE, dynamited after the strategy of the last stage of Albert Rivera.

"We had to do something, we could not stay still, although it was a difficult route."

In this attempt to open a channel, both parties designated two interlocutors:

Félix Bolaños

(Moncloa) and

Carlos Cuadrado


Sources familiar with the negotiations confess the climate of "mistrust" in the early stages.

"It was difficult, there was not much confidence, but we put that aside because the situation caused by the pandemic was serious," they state from the noble floor of Cs.

After the first conversations and meetings, in Moncloa the perception that


were serious, that it was a negotiation to be explored in time

, permeated


Despite the fact that from the Cs rostrum they have always harshly criticized the work of the Executive, they always bet on the state of alarm, unlike the PP.

"We have not changed, we continue to think the same, what has changed is Spain due to the pandemic," say sources from the Citizens Executive.

If Cuadrado was the key man for the thaw,

Edmundo Bal

was during the state of alarm.

A State Attorney, he studied possible alternatives and told the party that taking control of the situation required this exceptional measure.

The dialogue was becoming more fluid.

Appointments every 15 days during the toughest months of the pandemic.

From the Government they transferred to the oranges the claim that the extensions were longer, but before the refusal they rejected the idea.

A sample of the relationship forged between the two.

Upset in Podemos

Increasingly frequent pacts, to the discontent of Podemos and Sánchez's nationalist partners: extensions of the state of alarm;

the decree with the measures that replaced it ... Even the


demanded meetings to check the degree of compliance with the agreement, to which the PSOE agreed.

The discomfort in the block that gave the investiture to Sánchez is clear.

Even from Podemos, the discomfort with Ciudadanos has been transferred to Moncloa due to the tone and manners of the attacks of




purple ones

in recent weeks.

Oblivious to the vetoes of Podemos or ERC, from Ciudadanos they never shrugged their outstretched hand.

"Fluid" is how all connoisseurs describe the dialogue between oranges and socialists.

As a result of trust, in Cs they believe it is appropriate to speak with the Government, especially with the socialist sector, about public accounts.

“The draft that the Government was contemplating at the beginning was not feasible.

Reconstruction Budgets are necessary.

The most sensible thing was to sit down and talk », they express in Cs.

Citizens expect the Government to send them a more or less complete draft of the Budgets it intends.

Sources consulted indicate that the Executive is immersed in shaping the income forecast.

When they see the papers, the negotiation will begin as such.

Of course, Arrimadas is clear that he does not contemplate the tax increase that Podemos wants.

They do believe in Cs that tax reform is an issue that will have to be addressed, but that it does not touch now.

“We think this is not the time.

It is a subject to deal with deeply, something to be addressed at some point, but not now, "they explain to this newspaper from the




They put the accent on public accounts that channel European aid and reactivate the country.

"We are facing an extraordinary situation and we have little time."

Taxation is one of the great stones.

To begin with among the coalition partners themselves.

The PSOE contemplates waiting for better times;

We can demand that a rise in rates is already reflected - especially for high incomes - in the next year.

A position, that of the purple ones, that Cs does not share today.

However, in the Arrimadas formation they are cautious.

They believe that their support for the Budgets has been taken for granted and they do not consider that to be so.

"We have not gone from 0 to 100", they warn.

"Our vote will not be free."

They ask to wait for the negotiation as such.

They do assume that public accounts will be "yes or yes."

"What we are going to try is that there are the best possible and with our 10 deputies to influence what we can."

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Citizens

  • We can

  • PSOE

  • Inés Arrimadas

  • PP

  • Edmundo bal

  • ERC

  • Albert rivera

  • State's general budgets

  • State of alarm

Politics Pablo Casado will make an opposition to Pedro Sánchez and Inés Arrimadas will try to annul Podemos

Politics Disagreements with Podemos delay 'sine die' Budgets

PoliticsThe veto of Podemos to Ciudadanos breaks the strategy of Pedro Sánchez with the Budgets

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