Teller Report

Ana Rosa Quintana returns to work with a new look and criticism of the Government for the management of the Covid

9/7/2020, 10:02:04 AM

Ana Rosa Quintana has returned from the holidays to her program on Telecinco with a change of image and harsh criticism of the Government for the management of the coronavirus that have not been slow in c

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Ana Rosa Quintana has returned from vacation to her program on Telecinco with a

change of image

and harsh

criticism of the Government

for the management of the coronavirus that has not taken long to become viral on the networks.

Her new look, now she

shows off bangs

and her hair has been lightened, it looks a lot like that of the astrologer

Esperanza Gracia


Some Internet users have noticed and have compared faces on Twitter or taken the opportunity to make fun with juxtaposed images of the Tarot.

Esperanza Gracia herself has also reacted to the tremendous resemblance:

Nor have they lacked some insults to the presenter.

Many users of the social network have hinted that acid has been injected into his face.

Strong criticism of the Government

Another aspect much commented on in networks on the day of the return of the presenter has been the


that Ana Rosa has made of Pedro Sánchez and ministers for the management of the


during these months.

"They said we would come out stronger and

we came out weak," he

said in his opening monologue.

Ana Rosa has mentioned the unemployment figures, "24% more than a year ago", and among her hardest darts to the Government is the mismatch in the death toll: "They say that the number of deaths is 28,000 and the Latest reports from the Carlos III Institute speak of

almost 50,000 deaths "

" Ana Rosa has distributed zascas ", it was possible to read on Twitter.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

Know more

  • Telecinco

  • Ana Rosa Quintana Hortal

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