Teller Report

Shinsoo Choo, home run No. 5... Season's first '4-hit match'

9/6/2020, 5:38:09 AM

Texas' Choo Shin-soo hit four hits in one game for the first time this year, including a season 5 home run. Shin-soo Choo played in right field with five batters in the 2020 US pro baseball major league Seattle Mariners in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Texas' Choo Shin-soo hit four hits in one game for the first time this year, including a season 5 home run.

Shin-soo Choo played in right field with five batters in the 2020 US pro baseball major league Seattle Mariners in Seattle, Washington, USA.

Choo Shin-soo drew a solo arch crossing the right-middle wall in the ninth episode, which was being dragged 5 to 2.

Choo Shin-soo hit three hits in the previous at-bats, raising the season batting average to 0.229 with four hits in four at-bats.

(Photo = Getty Image Korea)