Teller Report

Tunisia .. Lawyers file complaints against the President of the Constitutional Party, Abeer Moussa

9/5/2020, 6:26:09 PM

A number of Tunisian lawyers decided to file three complaints, early next week, against the head of the Free Constitutional Party, Abeer Moussa, and a number of her parliamentary bloc members, according to the Mosaique FM radio website. Own.

A number of Tunisian lawyers decided to file three complaints, early next week, against the head of the Free Constitutional Party, Abeer Moussa, and a number of members of her parliamentary bloc, according to the private radio station Mosaique FM.

According to an informed source, the first complaint will be submitted against Abeer Moussa on charges of financial corruption at the financial judicial pole, and the second will be submitted to the judicial pole of terrorism against her person and the parliamentary bloc she heads.

This comes while the third complaint will be submitted to the public prosecutor at the Court of First Instance in Tunis for common right crimes, including the crime of obstructing the work of the Assembly of the Representatives of the People.

Moussa was known to be hostile to the Tunisian revolution, and on several occasions it has disrupted Parliament's sessions, and its opponents accused it of providing service to foreign agendas with the aim of minimizing and disrupting the functioning of this sovereign facility.

On July 16, the Tunisian parliament witnessed a great wave of tension, after the representatives of the Free Constitutional Party occupied the seat of Parliament, which forced the Speaker of Parliament to adjourn the session, before announcing later that he had filed a judicial complaint against the deputies of the said party.

During the session, skirmishes occurred between the Free Constitutional Representatives, the Dignity Coalition and a number of other deputies, while some of the guests chanted slogans against the Free Constitutional Party.