Teller Report

The crazy day that ended with Messi ... at Barcelona and by obligation

9/5/2020, 8:14:03 AM

Leo Messi stays at Barça. In the end, perhaps without really knowing how, Josep Maria Bartomeu has gotten away with it. It is pointed out, yes, and a lot, by the Argentine, but these

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Leo Messi stays at Barça.

In the end, perhaps without really knowing how, Josep Maria Bartomeu has gotten away with it.

It is pointed out, yes, and a lot, by the Argentine, but at this point in the film that does not matter to the president.

His obesity, which was not to go down in history as the president who opened the door to the best player ever in the club, has been fulfilled.

Leo Messi stays at Barça, literally, despite Bartomeu.

But it stays.

According to the interview in which he announced the end of the soap opera, he made the decision to leave long before communicating it, but it was the prospect of going to trial against the club of his life that, in the end, made him give reverse.

Of course, he stays in a house that, to put it bluntly, he set fire to.

The day, the first Friday in September, with the staff rushing the pools, was bizarre.

In the morning, from Argentina, there was talk of a "statement."

The same media that advanced the exclusive of the famous burofax announced an address by Messi to say that he remained at Barça.

But, at lunchtime - the information is no longer what it used to be, and neither are its moments - an unexpected statement arrived.

It was that of Jorge Messi, the footballer's father, who answered the one issued by LaLiga assuring that the rescission clause of 700 million was no longer effective, no matter how much that body pointed out the opposite.

The text, a photographed folio, was interpreted as that Messi maintained his intention to leave.

But no.

By the way, LaLiga, always attentive, answered Messi that yes, he had to pay 700 million if he wanted to leave.

That was shortly after 2:00 p.m.

Then, the leaks followed.

That yes, that he would have communicated, that no, that in the end no, that yes, that at five in the afternoon, that at the end no, that at six.

And it was shortly after 6:00 p.m., indeed, when through an interview with a media outlet, dressed in a T-shirt, shorts and flip flops, Messi said he was staying.

Why does he stay?

Why does he stay?

Because you can't go.

Read: «I'm going to continue because the president told me that the only way to leave was to pay the 700 million clause, something impossible, and then there was another way, which was to go to trial.

I would never go to trial against Barça because it is the club I love.

He gave me everything and I gave him everything, "said the Barça star.

“I thought it was time to step aside.

I believed that the club needed more young people, new people and I thought my time in Barcelona was over, feeling very sorry because I always said that I wanted to finish my career here.

It was a very difficult year, I suffered a lot in training, in games and in the dressing room.

It did not come because of the result of the Champions League against Bayern, the decision had been thinking about it for a long time, "he said.

«I wanted to go because I was thinking of living my last years of football happily.

The latter did not find happiness within the club, "he said.

"The president always said that at the end of the season I could decide if I wanted to go or if I wanted to stay and in the end he did not end up keeping his word," lamented a Messi who did not hide his displeasure at the way things have been done with Bartomeu in command of the club.

"The truth is that there has been no project for a long time and there is nothing, they are juggling and covering holes as things go by," complained the Barça captain.

Juggling, plugging holes ... The fierce criticism towards Bartomeu and his board of directors drew much attention.

Of course, at this point, it is written, Bartomeu's shoulders are very broad and he can put up with this and much more.

Family drama

“When I communicated this to my wife and children, it was a barbaric drama.

The whole family crying, my children did not want to leave Barcelona, ​​nor did they want to change schools.

I looked further and I want to compete at the highest level, win titles, compete in the Champions League.

You can win or lose it, because it is very difficult, but you have to compete and let the Rome, Liverpool or Lisbon not happen to us, "he wielded.

«I wanted to go and it was my right, because the contract said that I could be free.

And it's not 'I'm leaving and that's it'.

I was leaving and it cost me a lot, "he added.

During the three weeks that he has been silent, many things have been said.

And some didn't exactly sit well with him.

«This has happened has helped me to recognize many false people that I had in another consideration.

It hurt me when my love for this club was questioned.

No matter how much I go or stay, my love for Barça will never change, "said a Messi who also stressed that everything that has happened will not affect his performance at all.

«I always want to win, I am competitive and I don't like to lose anything.

I always want the best for the club, for the dressing room and for myself.

I said it at the time, that it was not giving us to win the Champions League.

And the truth is, now I don't know what will happen.

There is a new coach and a new idea.

That's good, but then we have to see how the team responds and if it will give us or not to compete.

What I can say is that I'm staying and I'm going to give my best, "he settled.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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