Teller Report

Sudan's Ambassador: The UAE's efforts contributed to reaching the "Juba Peace Agreement"

9/5/2020, 10:12:47 PM

The Ambassador of the Republic of Sudan to the country, Muhammad Amin Abdullah Al-Karib, praised the great and important role of the UAE in reaching the "Juba Peace Agreement" between the Sudanese transitional government and a number of armed movements last week, and said that the UAE contributed to bringing these different movements to

I contributed to bringing the various movements to the negotiating table

Sudan's Ambassador: The UAE's efforts contributed to reaching the "Juba Peace Agreement"

The Sudanese ambassador praised the UAE’s support for his country.


The Sudanese ambassador to the state, Mohammed Amin Abdullah Al-Karib, praised the great and important role of the UAE in reaching the "Juba Peace Agreement" between the Sudanese transitional government and a number of armed movements last week.

He said that the UAE contributed to bringing these various movements to the negotiating table, which resulted in the signing of this historic agreement.

In an interview with the Emirates News Agency (WAM), Al-Karib explained that the UAE has followed the path of negotiations closely since its inception, and has provided support for more parties to join the negotiating table.

He pointed out that the UAE held talks with a group of important Sudanese factions and convinced them to join the peace talks, in coordination with the transitional government in Sudan.

He pointed out that the UAE had made "great, important and appreciated" efforts that contributed to the success of the peace talks.

At the same time, he valued the support of the UAE for his country since the transitional government took power in September 2019, and attributed the credit to this support to nearly half a million Sudanese children going to school.

The UAE and Saudi Arabia had provided financial support to Sudan worth three billion dollars, at one and a half billion dollars each, while the UAE provided more than 80 tons of medical supplies to Sudan to support it in dealing with the emerging corona virus (Covid-19).

Regarding his expectations of the direct results of this agreement, the Sudanese ambassador said: “There will be no war in Sudan anymore.

The money and effort that was consumed in the conflict will also be directed to development projects.

The Sudanese people were waiting for such a moment ».

At the same time, the carp valued the cooperation of the State of South Sudan and facilitating the holding of talks on its territory despite the challenges it faces, including the emerging corona virus (Covid-19).

He praised the role of the United Nations and regional organizations in Africa, which also played an important role in this regard.

He referred to the feelings of joy that prevailed among the Sudanese community in the UAE, who expressed their happiness with this historic step.

On August 31, the Sudanese transitional government signed a peace agreement with a coalition of armed groups from different parts of the country, including the states of Blue Nile, Darfur and Kordofan.

It should be noted that the conflict in the Darfur region since 2003 has resulted in the deaths of about 300 thousand and the displacement of 2.5 million others, according to United Nations statistics.

The UAE has provided more than 80 tons of medical supplies to Sudan to support it in dealing with the Coronavirus.

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