Teller Report

Former President Michel Djotodia back in the Central African Republic

9/5/2020, 10:11:03 PM

Former Central African President Michel Djotodia has been back in Bangui since Saturday afternoon. Exiled in Benin since 2014 and his fall from power, he returned for the first time last January ...

Former President Michel Djotodia back in the Central African Republic

Former Central African President Michel Djotodia, upon his return to Bangui, January 10, 2020. FLORENT VERGNES / AFP

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2 min

Former Central African President Michel Djotodia has been back in Bangui since Saturday afternoon.

Exiled in Benin since 2014 and his fall from power, he returned briefly last January.

But this time around, he says his return is final.


Read more

I am definitely back

 ," the former president told



He will soon meet President Touadéra and then other political figures, such as " 

the President of the National Assembly, the former presidents, the ex-Prime Ministers, all the embassies 


Regarding a possible presidential candidacy at the end of the year, he says he wants to " 

advise when the time comes 

", but that " 

nothing prevents him from being a candidate



What is essential for me is peace

,” he explained.

I came first for that, to help the authorities and the international community by all means to consolidate peace in the Central African Republic.


The former Central African president left the country in 2014 and was living in Benin.

He briefly returned

to his country for the

first time

last January

, for a stay of only 48 hours where he had met President Touadéra.

To read also

: Return of former presidents in CAR: bring peace, but not at the cost of impunity


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  • Central African Republic

  • Michel Djotodia

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