Teller Report

Björn Eriksson: "We have been worried"

9/5/2020, 12:53:03 PM

The government and the co-operation parties have given the go-ahead for a billion support for sports. A welcome message for the survival of the sports movement, says Björn Eriksson, chairman of the Swedish Sports Confederation. - We have been worried for the rest of the year because the support we received earlier was incredibly important, he says to SVT Sport

Earlier today, the government announced that it had agreed with the Center Party and the Liberals that sports will receive an additional SEK 1 billion in support due to financial losses due to the corona pandemic.

The support will be available with Minister of Finance Magdalena Andersson's amending budget next week.

- It is a feeling of relief and very nice that the message came.

We have been worried for the rest of the year because the support we received earlier was incredibly important.

It has covered some of the losses for that period and from the third quarter will hit the sports business by about 1.3 billion.

It is clear that this means a lot, says the Swedish Sports Confederation's chairman Björn Eriksson to SVT Sport.

End of October

Before the first support package was paid out, Björn Eriksson said that children's and youth sports should be given priority.

With this support, he is not as clear, but he says that it is important that both the elite and children and youth sports receive the support.

- First and foremost, we have to wait if the government has any demands as it is still about a billion from taxpayers' money, he says and continues:

- But already now I will start by listening to what the sports movement wants the distribution to look like.

Then I think the first payments will be made at the end of October if I just count how things usually work.

Given this, I think it's better it takes time and gets it right, instead of it going fast and going wrong.

Longer planning

With regard to possible support for 2021, Björn Eriksson and the Swedish Sports Confederation will submit a so-called reversal plan to the government at the end of January.

Björn Eriksson did this during his time as National Police Chief, drawing different scenarios of what next year might look like for the sports movement.

- The scenarios will of course differ and it will be a basis for thinking about what might happen.

There are very few people who believe that the coronavirus will disappear just because we write 1 January 2021. I want to submit this because you can calmly think about what you think about the development of sport.

Then we get a thorough thinking because now it strikes in very different ways.

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