Teller Report

Veolia's offer on Suez: "The account is not there", according to the president of Engie

9/4/2020, 7:35:36 AM

Veolia has offered 2.9 billion euros to Engie to buy back the shares held in Suez, the water and waste treatment group, which is also its main competitor.

Veolia has offered 2.9 billion euros to Engie to buy back the shares held in Suez, the water and waste treatment group, which is also its main competitor.

"The account is not there" on the price, judged Friday the president of Engie Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, after having received an offer from Veolia to 2.9 billion euros in order to buy back almost all of it. its stake in its water and waste competitor Suez.

"The project in certain aspects is attractive" but Jean-Pierre Clamadieu, who spoke on the BFM Business channel, also called for "an inclusive offer in which Suez teams feel involved".