Teller Report

Rescue workers just 60 centimeters from survivors

9/4/2020, 7:32:25 AM

Rescue work in Beirut continues after the powerful explosion in the city's port a month ago. Yesterday, information came in that rescue workers saw signs of life from a person who is buried under the landslides. - It was a Chilean rescue dog received an indication that a person was breathing here, says SVT's Middle East correspondent Stina Blomgren.

It has now been a month since the explosion in the Lebanese capital Beirut where more than 200 people died.

After that, an enormous amount of work has been going on to try to find people in the racial masses.

And on Thursday, information about signs of life came from a person.

- Rescue workers now use a crane to gradually lift off the landslides carefully.

You are now about 60 centimeters away from this individual who you might think is here, says Stina Blomgren, Middle East correspondent.

Volunteers got the crane out

It was a dog that managed to find the person.

- A Chilean rescue dog received an indication that a person was breathing here.

They work with thermal imager and audio equipment to find this person,

During the night, the rescue work was paused, which triggered protests.

On Friday morning, it resumed again.

- Volunteers managed to get this crane so that it could start at 04 this morning again, says Blomgren.