Teller Report

Official report of a student fainted and died in Funing, Jiangsu: no corporal punishment

9/4/2020, 3:15:24 PM

  China News Service, Yancheng, September 4 (Reporter Gu Hua) In response to the death of a student in Funing County, Jiangsu Province, when a student fainted at school, on the evening of the 4th, the Jiangsu Funing police issued a notice stating that the teacher did not physically punished students such as beatings. Screenshot of police report   At about 16:50 pm on September 2nd, Lu Moumou (m

  China News Service, Yancheng, September 4 (Reporter Gu Hua) In response to the death of a student in Funing County, Jiangsu Province, when a student fainted at school, on the evening of the 4th, the Jiangsu Funing police issued a notice stating that the teacher did not physically punished students such as beatings.

Screenshot of police report

  At about 16:50 pm on September 2nd, Lu Moumou (male, 12 years old), a sixth-grade student at the Tongyu Road Campus of Funing County Normal School Affiliated School, suddenly fainted during class and was sent to Funing County People’s Hospital by the school. The rescue failed.

  After receiving the alarm, the Funing County Public Security Bureau immediately organized a capable police force to conduct an investigation.

The school gate of the school involved.

Photo by Gu Hua

  Funing police issued a notice on the evening of the 4th, saying that after on-site investigations, visits and investigations of classmates and forensic examinations, it was found that the teacher did not physically punished students such as beatings. The specific cause of Lu's death needs pathological examination.

  The police reminded that cyberspace is not a place outside the law.

Public security organs will resolutely investigate and punish illegal and criminal acts that are fabricated and spread rumors online and disrupt public order.

It is hoped that the majority of netizens will not spread, believe, or spread rumors, consciously abide by laws and regulations, and jointly maintain a good network environment.


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