Teller Report

Caroline Proust did not want to make the “Gears” season too long

9/4/2020, 4:12:01 PM

Caroline Proust, alias captain Laure Berthaud, takes stock of fifteen years of good and loyal service within "Engrenages", which begins this Monday at 9 pm on Canal + its "Latest survey & raq

Caroline Proust plays Laure Berthaud in the final season of “Engrenages”.


Caroline Dubois / Sound and Light / Canal +

A page in the history of French series is turning! 


, the first Original Creation by Canal + which revolutionized the detective genre in 2005, begins its final season this Monday at 9 p.m. on Canal +.

Entitled "Last investigation", this last chapter in 10x52 minutes, directed by Marine Francou, opens with a Gilou behind bars, Joséphine who doubts her vocation, a DPJ in a brand new courthouse, flanked by a new one. brilliant judge, but inexperienced.

Caroline Proust, alias Captain Laure Berthaud, takes stock of fifteen years of good and loyal service.

Can you briefly tell us about this “Latest Survey”?

The investigation revolves around a young Moroccan migrant whose body is discovered in a laundromat.

As Gilou is in prison, it will be complicated for Laure ...

What state of mind is she in at the start of the season?

Laure is ill.

So as always, she takes refuge in work while managing to keep the promise made to Gilou, to take care of her daughter.

She is a woman who manages to be responsible on all levels.

This is a great novelty!

We have a maturity of the character that I find really good.

We feel that a new generation is emerging in this season ...

This season takes place in the new courthouse in Paris… Things have changed, the DPJ too, young people are not at all in the same state of mind.

When we started Engrenages, the old cops told us about the older generation… And now it's us, the older generation!

How do you see the evolution of Laure Berthaud since the beginning of the series?

For an actress, having the opportunity to develop a character over such a long time, namely fifteen years, makes it possible to explore all the difficulties and all the complexity of the character's soul.

My answer will be trivial: Laure has acquired maturity and is moving towards acceptance.

At the beginning, she multiplied the adventures and then the trajectory with Gilou took shape… It's funny to see the series again and Gilou's gaze on Laure from the start.

Isn't playing a character who is doing badly too heavy?

An actor must give intensely, otherwise the spectator does not experience anything intensely.

It's tiring.

I realized it in my body.

When we finished the 6, a very heavy season written during the Nice attacks, I followed up with a show two weeks later… I did lots of lumbago and my osteopath told me: “You are on the verge burn-out.


I replied surprised: "Oh, good?

In fact, my body was completely imprinted by the emotions that I experienced and returned through Laure.

This is what is exhausting ...

What did this character bring you?

Laure brought me the intimate knowledge of what it is to be a police officer.

The wonderful

thing about


is that you get as much recognition from the thugs as you do from the police.


helped humanize the justice system.

The series played an educational role.

We can see the police as people there to do repression, but


allows us to realize that a police officer also has his moods, his romantic, family and professional difficulties, with his hierarchy.

Many police officers commit suicide, it is a very heavy job.

Relations with the hierarchy are not simple.

The police have to obey orders that are not always acceptable, and this puts them in sometimes unbearable states of dilemma.

What was the atmosphere like on the set of this final season of "Engrenages"?

As always, everyone has the joy of making and the drive for success with a sort of pride in being on a series that has this fame.

Everyone gives all their energy with joy, fatigue, etc.

Obviously, my last day of filming was particularly moving.

The robbery scene is particularly successful ...

It was remarkably filmed by Frédéric Jardin.

It was awesome!

It was four days of filming, a feat.

I have never fired so many bullets.

I loved shooting it.

What roles do you dream of after “Engrenages”?

The role I dream of is the one I don't think about.

When Alain Corneau asked me to be a police officer in

Le Cousin

, I told him that I felt incapable of being credible as a cop.

He said to me: "We are going to prepare you and I know you are going to do it well".

When an actor comes up with his desire, it doesn't necessarily match the desire and the credit of the person opposite.

And an actor needs that desire in the face.

So I want to do the roles that someone else wants me to do and thinks I'm capable of.

Do you already have projects?

I am making a documentary which will be broadcast at the end of the broadcast of



I hope he will be well and I will do everything for!

I partnered up with a producer and got into production with projects that I will talk about later.

If “Gears” started with a new cop squad, would you be up to making some cameos?

I don't know at all, I haven't thought about it!

It's hard to stop something that has such a great story, but it's a real desire to stop



I think it's good to stop when it's good, when there isn't one season too many.

If someone offered me something good, why not, but I tell myself a priori that it's good to stop.

Without spoiler, are you satisfied with the fate of your character and the finale of the series?

The finale sparked a lot of discussion and I'm very curious to hear the reaction from the spectators.

It wasn't the end I wanted for a very long time and eventually I heard the arguments of others and decidedly sided with their choice.

I am very happy with the final today!


Quais du Polar in Lyon: Season 8 of the “Engrenages” series premiered


"Gears": The Series Changes Almost Everything To Stay True To Itself In Season 7

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