Teller Report

ARCHIVES - Annie Cordy: "I never dreamed of being an artist"

9/4/2020, 9:26:08 PM

Belgian singer, actress and dancer Annie Cordy died on Friday at the age of 92. In 2010, she confided in the microphone of Marc-Olivier Fogiel on Europe 1. & nbsp; & quot; I was very lucky to succeed, to do what I loved. But I wasn't made for that, '' she said.

Belgian singer, actress and dancer Annie Cordy died on Friday at the age of 92.

In 2010, she confided in the microphone of Marc-Olivier Fogiel on Europe 1. "I had the great chance to succeed, to do what I liked. But I was not made for that", said -she.


When Annie Cordy was little, she never imagined herself behind a microphone or in front of a camera.

"I never dreamed of being an artist", she confided in 2010 at the microphone of Marc-Olivier Fogiel on Europe 1. And yet!

Annie Cordy, unforgettable singer, renowned actress and queen of the music hall, has crossed the generations.

The Belgian interpreter of 

Tata Yoyo


 Cho Ka Ka O 

died Friday at the age of 92.

Her success, said Annie Cordy in 2010, she owed it to her work and a little bit of luck.

"My life is made of work. I was lucky to be successful in this profession, to do what I loved. But I was not made for it."

After a debut in Brussels, Annie Cordy arrives at the Lido, in Paris.

She then meets François-Henri Bruno.

"He was my husband, my lover, my manager," said the singer. 


 "Tata Yoyo", "Cho Ka Ka O"… The unforgettable songs of Annie Cordy

"I was on the road night and day with my husband, it's real life"

“When he died

[in 1989, nldr]

, I thought about stopping working. And then I said to myself that Bruno would have said to me: 'What! Stop your job?'. He's the one who got me. always given the strength to continue, "confided the interpreter of

La bonne du curé. 

Annie Cordy and her husband have never had children.

"It's not a regret. I spent my life on the roads of France, I think that made up for it. I had the chance to be with my husband night and day, we covered thousands of kilometers . It was real life. " 

Charles Aznavour and Enrico Macias, his brothers

Charles Aznavour and Enrico Macias have also occupied a large place in the busy life of Annie Cordy.

"They are my brothers. When I'm sad, they're the only two I can say: 'Listen buddy, it's not going well, I have to talk to you'," she confided.

But sadness is not what we will remember from Annie Cordy.

"I want us to say to ourselves: 'This is a woman who made us laugh'", she said.

Mission accomplished.