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The United Nations General Assembly holds a face-to-face meeting for the first time in nearly six months. The President of the General Assembly urges multilateral action to tackle the epidemic

9/3/2020, 11:38:13 PM

  (Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) The United Nations General Assembly held a face-to-face meeting for the first time in nearly six months, and the President of the General Assembly urged multilateral action to tackle the epidemic   China News Agency, United Nations, September 3rd. The 74th UN General Assembly held its first face-to-face meeting in nearly six months on the 3rd. The President of

  (Fighting New Coronary Pneumonia) The United Nations General Assembly held a face-to-face meeting for the first time in nearly six months, and the President of the General Assembly urged multilateral action to tackle the epidemic

  China News Agency, United Nations, September 3rd. The 74th UN General Assembly held its first face-to-face meeting in nearly six months on the 3rd.

The President of the United Nations General Assembly Mohammed Bandy urged all member states to vigorously take multilateral actions to deal with the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

  The meeting on that day was held while maintaining social distancing. Most delegations sent only one person to the meeting, and the number of participants was much smaller than usual.

Affected by the epidemic, the United Nations headquarters in New York has been closed since mid-March this year, and all staff work remotely.

As the epidemic in New York City slowed down, the United Nations headquarters gradually resumed operations from July, but the number of personnel is still limited to a low level.

  Mohamed-Bandy said that although member states have never held meetings in the United Nations General Assembly Hall in the past few months, delegations have been making unremitting efforts to uphold the values ​​and principles of the United Nations Charter while fighting the new crown pneumonia epidemic.

The UN General Assembly has also been working during the telecommuting period, adjusting its working methods with UN General Assembly resolutions, passing more than 70 decisions and resolutions through online voting within half a year, and electing the main committees for the upcoming 75th General Assembly. Chairman, ensure the continuity of the work of the General Assembly on important issues.

  Muhammad Bandy expressed his appreciation for the leadership of the World Health Organization in its response since the beginning of the epidemic.

He said that the entire UN system has united to meet the needs of "the people we serve."

He praised humanitarian workers and peacekeepers on the ground, saying that they continue to protect local communities in the world's most complex environment.

  Mohamed Bandy emphasized that 2020 marks the beginning of the “Decade of Action and Delivery” for the Sustainable Development Goals. This decade is also likely to become a recovery period after the new crown pneumonia pandemic.

He urged people to take immediate multilateral action to fulfill their development financing commitments, "Let us unite as nations. Let us continue to work together to provide services for all."

  The 75th UN General Assembly will open on September 15.

By convention, the 74th session of the UN General Assembly will close the day before. Mohammed Bandy will hand over the gavel, which symbolizes the power of the president of the UN General Assembly, to Volkan Bozker, the president of the 75th UN General Assembly and Turkish diplomat. Bozkir).

  Under normal circumstances, during the opening of the UN General Assembly in September each year, leaders of various countries often gather in New York to attend various meetings at the UN headquarters and speak in general debates. In order to prevent the epidemic, the number of participants will be limited during the 75th session of the UN General Assembly. In principle, each national delegation will only send one representative to attend the meeting. Leaders of various countries can participate in the meeting "cloud" through video speeches. (Finish)

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