Teller Report

The Football Association decides to cancel the football tournaments and festivals for less than 11 years old

9/3/2020, 3:29:36 PM

The Emirates Football Association announced today, in a press release, the cancellation of football sports tournaments and festivals for the age of 11 years and under, based on the circular issued by the General Sports Authority. The Football Association decided to "cancel the U-12 Youth competition, in which the players register from Mawal."

The Football Association decides to cancel the football tournaments and festivals for less than 11 years old

The Emirates Football Association announced today, in a press release, the cancellation of football sports tournaments and festivals for the age of 11 years and under, based on the circular issued by the General Sports Authority.

The Football Association also decided to "cancel the Cubs U-12 competition, in which players born in 2009 and 2010 register, and to limit the organization of the Cubs U-13 competition to players born in 2008."

The Football Association's statement also confirmed: Not to allow the participation of players born in 2009 in it, and a generalization to clubs not to allow the organization of competitions and festivals for football schools, born in 2010 and 2013.

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