Teller Report

Lindström jumps into the Masters of the Masters - Boklöv jumps off

9/3/2020, 9:03:06 AM

Jan Boklöv has been forced to skip the recordings of the Masters' masters - instead the biathlete Fredrik Lindström jumps in. - First and foremost, I feel honored to be part of the Masters of the Masters. Then I look forward to meeting the other sports profiles in challenging duels. This is going to be fun, he says.

After an examination before the start of the recording of the Champions of the Masters, the ski jumper Jan Boklöv was advised by doctors not to participate.

- I accept the decisions made.

The basis of the decision is my epilepsy.

Health must come first, no matter how fun they would be to participate in the Masters champions, says Boklöv in a press release.

Instead, biathlete Fredrik Lindström jumps in and participates in the coming season. The 31-year-old, who has an Olympic gold and two World Cup bronze medals on his merit list, ended his career in the spring of 2019.