Teller Report

"I sincerely regret if I did it": Efremov pleaded guilty to a fatal accident

9/3/2020, 7:50:08 PM

Mikhail Efremov said that he admits guilt in the fatal accident and "sincerely repents if he did it." Speaking during the court session with the last word, the actor noted that he would not "excuse himself". Meanwhile, the prosecutor said that she considered Efremov's guilt proven, and asked the court to sentence the artist to 11 years in prison. The actor's defense, in turn, considers any punishment not related to imprisonment to be just. The verdict for the artist will be announced on September 8.

On September 3, at a court hearing, actor Mikhail Efremov said that he admits his guilt in an accident, as a result of which a person died.

“I have a statement.

I admit my guilt, "Efremov said at a court session before the start of the debate.

He later repeated this statement in his last word.

The actor added that he would not "excuse himself", and noted that he regrets what he had done.

However, he made one reservation.

“I admit my guilt and sincerely repent if I did it.

I feel sorry for the victims, they have a lot of grief, I have never felt any negativity towards them, I feel very sorry for them, I condole and worry about them, ”he stressed.

“I have decided that I will not excuse myself.

If I had used the telephone right, this court would not have happened.

Therefore, I went here to solve everything honestly, ”RIA Novosti quotes the artist.

Efremov expressed the opinion that he would be given ten years in prison.

"I talked with Elman (Pashayev, a lawyer. -


) that they will definitely give the top ten, but I wanted to decide honestly, go to court, this is an extra experience (experience. -


) ... Alcohol is a wild evil," the actor added.

Recall that on June 8, Mikhail Efremov, driving a Jeep Grand Cherokee, drove into the oncoming lane in the center of Moscow and crashed into a Lada van driven by a courier Sergey Zakharov.

The Lada driver was hospitalized, but later died in the hospital from his injuries.

The examination established that at the time of the accident the actor was in a state of alcoholic intoxication.

Traces of drugs were also found in his blood.

A few days after the accident, the artist published a video in which he apologized to the family of the deceased.

However, later he said that he could not admit his guilt, because he did not remember the moment of the accident.

At a meeting held on September 3, prosecutor Diana Galiullina asked the court to sentence Mikhail Efremov to 11 years in prison in the case of a fatal traffic accident.

“I ask that the defendant be found guilty ... and sentenced to 11 years in a general regime correctional colony with restraint of liberty for a period of three years,” the prosecutor said at the Presnensky Court in Moscow.

Along with this, the prosecutor noted that she considered Efremov's guilt in the accident proven.

"I believe that Efremov's guilt in the crime is confirmed by video materials, expert examinations, testimony of witnesses and other evidence in the case," said the state prosecutor.

Efremov's defense, in turn, asked to appoint the actor "a fair sentence, not related to imprisonment."

“Where does such anger come from?

I would like to draw your attention to his honesty and decency.

He helped people.

We only want a fair sentence, not associated with imprisonment ... any measure, ”said the defendant's lawyer Elman Pashayev.

In addition, the representatives of the victims asked the court to issue a private ruling to conduct a pre-investigation check in relation to witnesses who claimed that the actor Mikhail Efremov was not driving at the time of the fatal accident.

“I ask the court to be critical of the testimony of witnesses Alexander Kobets, Andrei Gaev and Tevan Baghdasyan because of their inconsistency and inconsistency,” attorney Anna Butyrina was quoted by TASS.

The representatives of the victims want the law enforcement agencies to find out whether the actions of these persons contain signs of a crime under Art.

307 of the Criminal Code (Deliberately false testimony).

According to Butyrina, all three were warned about responsibility for perjury.

We will remind, earlier Gaev said in court that after a fatal accident, a man similar to the actor Mikhail Efremov left the passenger seat of the Jeep Grand Cherokee.

The witness stated that he saw his friend Aleksandr Kobets "talking to a man who got out of the car from the side of the passenger seat."

Later Gaev, according to him, learned that the man was Efremov.

Badasyan, in turn, said earlier that shortly before the accident he saw a "tall man in a baseball cap" getting into the car.

Nevertheless, other witnesses at the subsequent court hearings stated that the actor himself was driving Efremov's car.

Note that the verdict for the artist will be announced on September 8.

"The verdict is scheduled for September 8 at 11:00," said judge Elena Abramova.