Teller Report

"Equestrian" leads Mohamed Youssef to shine in the "Triathlon of People of Determination"

9/3/2020, 10:09:59 PM

Equestrianism played a key role in helping Muhammad Yusuf overcome the barrier of dread and fear, and overcome his cerebral handicap, in order to engage in the world of sports, and it was a direct reason for him to shine in the triathlon game for the People of Determination. ", I am

Two years ago, he joined the Al Marmoom team.

"Equestrian" leads Mohamed Youssef to shine in the "Triathlon of People of Determination"

  • Muhammad Yusuf with his own horse.

    ■ from the source


"Equestrian" played a key role in helping Muhammad Yusuf overcome the barrier of fear and fear, and overcome his cerebral handicap, in order to engage in the world of sports. It was a direct reason for his starring in the triathlon game for people of determination.

Mohammed, 25, told Emirates Today, “Fears of community involvement, which usually dominate the lifestyle of people of determination, especially at an early age, prompted my father, at the age of eight, to resort to the sport of parents and grandparents, and accompanied me to more than Suitable for horse farms, and attending many races, before my father provided me with a horse of my own, so I took care of him and took care of him, and that gave me the confidence required to break the barrier of dread, and the ability to gradually engage in the world of sports, the last of which was my joining the Marmom team two years ago for the Triathlon for owners Inspiration ».

He explained: “The connection of the Emirati society to the equestrian world was the inspiration for my father to find a way to help me overcome the barrier of disability and get closer to society, especially since the relationship between the horse and the rider was enough to help me break the barrier of fear and gradually engage in the practice of equestrian sport, before Switching to many sports, the last of which was the triathlon game, where the team's logo was represented in many races and community initiatives, the last of which was my eighth solution in the (Ramadan Challenge for the UAE Special Olympics), and I also participated, at the end of last month, in the (Challenge Our Steps) initiative aimed at supporting Special Olympics around the world ».

He added: “My family's encouragement of me from a young age, and resorting to the equestrian world, were a successful treatment in helping me break the barrier of disability, attend training, and participate in championships and competitions for people of determination, which are the same motivation that helped me personally, especially since I am currently qualifying To engage in the field of work, after I graduated from the (Intergrate) center for the rehabilitation of people of determination.

He concluded: “The constant support that their Highnesses the sheikhs give to this segment of society, placing the UAE in the leadership of countries globally in terms of ability to achieve social integration, especially as the state’s keenness to permanently host major international tournaments and launch initiatives continuously that stimulate the achievement of this. Integration is the motivation for me and my colleagues to continue the sporting brilliance. ”


Muhammad Yusef (25 years) confirmed that family support encouraged him to break the barrier of fear and dread, and facilitated his social involvement and the practice of his favorite sports.

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