Teller Report

Swedish active people are not allowed to spend the night in Finland

9/2/2020, 11:02:06 AM

The Swedish Athletics Association refused the exemption application to let some Finnkamp participants sleep in Tampere between the competition days this weekend. This is to be able to line up in more branches.

- We had hoped that two to four could stay, but we do not get that.

So it will be difficult with some that we thought would have to double hard.

There may be some or some changes in the team, says national team captain Karin Torneklint.

- The reason is that it takes so much to travel back and forth.

But some will definitely go both days.

They make a fantastic effort.

The news came on Wednesday morning and the Swedish federation has not yet been clear with the changes in the squad.

Finland has severe travel restrictions for Swedes due to the corona pandemic.

In order for Finnkampen to even be carried out, the Swedish team is forced to travel to and from Finland both on Saturday and Sunday.

Only those who will compete on Saturday may ride the chartered plane on Saturday - and the same will happen on Sunday.

Everyone in the squad must also be coronated within 72 hours before entering Finland, which prevents late changes in the squad.

- It is as it is, we have to fight as best we can and try to solve everything, says Torneklint.