Teller Report

Scrutinize the amount of control and review, and verbally abuse each other... How do you know the return of the lost "rice circle"?

9/2/2020, 11:59:30 PM

Cheer for hitting the rankings, scrutinize volume control reviews, verbally abuse each other, malicious attacks... How to know the return of the lost "rice circle"   Our reporter Yu Lingge   Read tips   In recent years, irrational star-chasing behaviors have exploded from time to time, some of them are chasing entertainers, intercepting and selling their personal information, some are "tearing

Cheer for hitting the rankings, scrutinize volume control reviews, verbally abuse each other, malicious attacks...

How to know the return of the lost "rice circle"

  Our reporter Yu Lingge

  Read tips

  In recent years, irrational star-chasing behaviors have exploded from time to time, some of them are chasing entertainers, intercepting and selling their personal information, some are "tearing if they don’t agree with each other," and malicious personal attacks... Recently, six departments including the Ministry of Education issued notices , To launch a special governance action for minors’ online environment.

The notice requires that the "fan circle", "black world" "Zuan culture" and other unhealthy online social behaviors and phenomena involving minors should be strengthened.

  Cheating on the rankings, scrutinizing the amount of control reviews, verbal abuse, malicious attacks... Recently, negative news about the bottomless star chasing broke out from time to time, and the chaos in the "rice circle" refreshed the bottom line of public perception.

  According to the National Research Report on Internet Usage by Minors in 2019, in 2019, the number of minor netizens in my country was 175 million. Among them, 7.3% of minor netizens often engage in fan support activities. According to estimates, the actual number has reached approximately 122.5. Million people.

  Recently, the Ministry of Education and other six departments issued a notice to carry out special governance actions on the online environment of minors, proposing to increase the level of protection against minors’ bad online social behaviors and phenomena, such as “fan circle”, “black world”, and “zuan culture”. Governance intensity.

"Star's itinerary and ID number are no longer a secret"

  Xiaowen, 27, is a veteran fan with many years of star-chasing experience.

Two years ago, after an idol audition show was aired, out of her liking for one of the idol singers, she worked with three other fans to run "Zhanzi" for the idol.

  The so-called "Zhanzi" is a social media account that tracks the idol’s itinerary and publishes photos. It is generally a Weibo account in China.

"Traffic stars must maintain traffic. If there is no one to follow at the airport and there is no topicality on social networks, the popularity will drop. As a fan, you can't stand it." Xiaowen said.

  In order to get photos of idols' itineraries, the operation of "Zhanzi" generally relies on "proxy shooting".

"Proxy shooting" means that fans who cannot go to the scene rush to the scene to take photos or videos on their behalf, and charge a certain fee.

According to Xiaowen, “proxy shooting” has long been an industry, and the photographers are usually college students who have relatively free time. “Generally, there will be people who sell celebrities’ itineraries. Many celebrities’ ID numbers are no longer a secret. You can check them with a little money. To."

  "Workers Daily" reporters saw in a WeChat group "Proxy Photo" that the "Proxy Photo" will indicate its own equipment model, usually a SLR camera and a telephoto lens, and indicate the way the photos are returned.

In order to avoid supervision, the abbreviation of the artist’s name is usually reported in Pinyin, and the term “knock machine” refers to “check itinerary.” The minimum fee for a check itinerary is only 5 yuan; the photo fee depends on the artist’s popularity, ranging from a few hundred to thousands Yuan varies.

It is understood that the channel to know the artist’s itinerary is usually the official fan club, and the flight number and personal identification information are most likely to be leaked during ticket sales and airport check-in.

  Some fans and proxy photographers were chasing, intercepting, tracking and shooting artists in airports, hotels and other places, which not only affected the artists' normal work and life, but also interfered with public order.

Previously, only in Terminal 3 of Capital International Airport, from 2017 to the first half of 2018, there were 27 fan alarms recorded, with fans over 50.

In response, the Civil Aviation Administration of China issued a "Notice on Strengthening the Management of Fan Pick-up and Follow-up Phenomenon" in 2018, mentioning that it will affect normal operations such as "fans following the plane" and "flight delay caused by fan pick-up and drop-off". And strengthen the management of public security and order behavior.

Suspected infringement of "fanquan idiot" and "Zuan's language"

  Jiajia, who has more than 1,300 fans on Weibo, discovered that her Weibo account has been reported many times because she said something that contradicts her fans in a certain idol incident at the beginning of the year. She herself was vilified and appeared on fans. In the "anti-blacklist".

  It is understood that there is a dedicated "anti-triad group" in the current fan club system.

According to Jiajia’s observations, “Anti-Black” not only “pull” the opponent when the celebrity works are broadcast, there will also be “professional fans” searching for the idol star’s name, name pronouns, and abbreviations on the square. It is easy to "be hung up" when they discover the negative reviews they identify.

  At the end of last year, the Beijing Internet Court found that from January to November 2019, a total of 125 cases of online reputation infringement involving teenagers (defendants) were suspected of infringements, accounting for 11.63% of all online reputation infringement disputes. Infringements are concentrated in the reputation rights of public figures engaged in performing arts (involving the reputation rights of stars).

Most of the teenagers who are defendants are college students, and 70% are aged 30 and below.

  In many cases accepted by the Beijing Internet Court, the defendant’s insults to specific artists were often caused by continued scolding wars among fans.

Except for a few cases that directly use abusive and insulting words that are understandable to the general public, the rest of the infringements all use "fan circle black language" and use nicknames to refer to specific artists.

The Beijing Internet Court held that as long as the insulting address can form a corresponding relationship with a specific artist, it can be regarded as an insult to the artist and constitutes infringement.

  Zhu Xiaolei, a lawyer at Beijing Xingquan Law Firm, who has represented artist rights protection cases, analyzed that in the past two years, many defendants in star reputation cases have become fans.

"Some irrational fans will promote their favorite idols by discrediting the other party. The insults and slander are very serious, such as swearing, swearing, cursing the other party, and photos of the other party." Zhu Xiaolei said that a large number of cases are being prosecuted. Later, it was discovered that the offender was mainly young girls under the age of 20. "When I saw them, I couldn't believe that those words were spoken from such a little girl."

  In addition to "fan circle black language", popular online terms such as "Zuan" and "black world" among young people also have violent characteristics.

The reporter learned that the "black world" is mostly found in QQ groups, which use various forms to divide people into classes. From the beginning, they learn how to use language to fight and curse people, compete with speed, vocabulary, and popularity.

"Zuan" was originally a gaming area in a certain online game, and players in this area are known for swearing.

Later, "Zuan" gradually evolved into a pronoun for swearing and swearing. In recent years, a subculture called "Zuan Culture" has become popular in many game communities and video websites.

Capital makes fans mistakenly believe that they are idol founders

  Xiaowen told reporters that the operation of "stations" is basically funded by individuals.

In the two years since the opening of the station, the total expenditure for the assistance of the four operators has reached 300,000 yuan.

  An industry insider engaged in performing arts brokerage told the Workers' Daily reporter that many idol brokerage teams will set up a dedicated "fan operation" department.

The team will inform the support club artists of the event arrangements in advance, and cooperate with the support club to organize assistance.

The support behavior includes buying idol albums, endorsement products, peripheral products and other support items, which may involve a large amount of fund-raising.

  "Capital gives fans the illusion that they are the founder of idols." The industry insider said frankly, "In fact, idols are just products of the fan economy, and fans are regarded as profitable'leeks'."

  In an interview with reporters, Zhu Wei, deputy director of the Communication Law Center of China University of Political Science and Law, believes that my country's fan community is tending to be younger, the legal awareness is relatively weak, and the value orientation has not been fully formed.

If the “fan circle” culture moves toward “religious star chasing and brainwashing worship”, it is very easy to develop aggressive group antagonisms, verbal abuse, and human flesh searches. It is a hotbed of online violence and fraud.

  At present, in response to the National Cyberspace Administration's notice on launching a special rectification of the Internet environment for minors in the summer of "Qing Lang" in 2020, multiple platforms including Weibo have carried out rectifications on unhealthy online social behaviors and phenomena involving minors.

  Zhu Wei suggested that platforms should not blindly pursue commercial interests, but should focus on social responsibilities, and data governance can be used to intervene in behaviors such as volume control.

"You can't use capital to control public opinion. We should avoid using technical means to brush traffic and data fraud. Grading and commenting on works is a right. You must cherish your right to speak and not abuse it."

  "Worker Daily" (version 06, September 03, 2020)