Teller Report

Employers "more open" to negotiations on telework

9/2/2020, 8:29:07 PM

Since June 5, the social partners have been working together to establish a "shared diagnosis" on teleworking

Telework: employers "more open" to negotiation (Illustartion) -


Soon something new about French teleworking?

The employers showed themselves Wednesday "more flexible" and "more open" to the negotiation of a national inter-professional agreement (ANI) on telework, indicated negotiators, on the side of employers and unions, after a meeting .

Since June 5, the social partners have been working together to establish a “shared diagnosis” on teleworking, at the request of Medef, invited since the spring by the unions to open negotiations, the confinement having pushed millions of employees to work at home.

The main chapters of the project presented

The employers' organization presented a draft plan for the forthcoming document, which “achieved consensus”, according to Medef.

Medef presented on Wednesday only the main chapters of this project: social, economic and environmental issues at the macroeconomic level;

on the organization of work;

on management and human resources, said the negotiators.

This document will be a "brief and detailed report which will take stock of teleworking in general and in a crisis situation", summarized Eric Chevée (CPME).

On June 5, Medef declared that this "synthesis" of the work should help companies negotiate teleworking and put it in place.

Craftsmen and small businesses to convince

Asked Wednesday by AFP, Medef did not wish to comment on the launch of an ANI at the end of the September 11 meeting.

But other employers' organizations and unions noted an “openness” on his part.

“The Medef is on a positioning which seemed more open.

He said that there could potentially be new meeting dates, ”testified Béatrice Clicq (Force Ouvrière).

Catherine Pinchaut (CFDT) also perceived a position of the Medef "more flexible", when the CPME was "even more open and more optimistic".

The U2P (craftsmen, small shops) "remains to be convinced".

The only ANI on teleworking was signed in 2005. With a new agreement, the unions want to secure the notion of volunteering, prohibit the generalization of telework over a week worked, guarantee that the employer covers the costs associated with the work. telework, manage disconnection and workload, distinguish between teleworking in times of crisis and traditional teleworking.


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  • Patronage

  • Teleworking

  • Medef

  • Union

  • Society