Teller Report

Demi Lovato supports the Black Lives Matter movement

9/2/2020, 3:05:01 PM

The singer has a new outlook on life since the overdose that nearly cost her her lifeSinger Demi Lovato - San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris / Starface Demi Lovato wants to change the world. The singer indulged in a big moving unboxing, in an open letter, published by the magazine Vogue. The star explains that like everyone else, the pandemic has forced her to stop to ask herself what really matters in her life. "What will help me get out of this?" How do you stay positive? One p

Singer Demi Lovato -

San Francisco Chronicle / Polaris / Starface

Demi Lovato wants to change the world.

The singer indulged in a big moving unboxing, in an open letter, published by the magazine Vogue.

The star explains that like everyone else, the pandemic has forced her to stop to ask herself what really matters in her life.

"What will help me get out of this?"

How do you stay positive?

One positive thing about this pandemic is that it has put the spotlight on mental illness like never before.

For a long time, mental illnesses were seen as shameful.

I myself was ashamed.

But it only comes from ignorance, ”writes the interpreter of


, before explaining why she plans to use her platform to help social movements such as Black Lives Matter.

Leave the world in better shape

Because Demi Lovato, upset by the death of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery or Breonna Taylor, now refuses to stand idly by without taking action.

“From now on, I want to put my energy into my music and my outreach work.

I want to keep trying to be a better person.

And I want to inspire people to do the same (…) You have to intervene when you see a racist act, a racist comment, a racist joke.

And it's not just Black Lives Matter, it also works with Me Too.

Finally, the world is waking up and it's very beautiful to see, ”she explains, encouraging her fans to be“ good allies ”for social causes and to“ educate themselves ”.

"I want to leave the world in better shape than when I arrived," concludes the singer, who almost died of an overdose two years ago.


Demi Lovato announces her engagement to her boyfriend Max Ehrich

  • Black Lives Matter

  • Racism

  • George floyd

  • Demi lovato