Teller Report

Charlotta Säfvenberg back on snow - after nine months

9/2/2020, 8:11:24 AM

Alpine skier Charlotta Säfvenberg injured her knee nine months ago. Now she is back and ready to make the first turns of the season. - I am exuberantly happy, it will be so fun to ski again, she says to the Swedish Ski Association.

After a foggy day in Kåbbdalis, her knee broke and she was forced to have surgery.

The rehabilitation for Charlotta "Lotta" Säfvenberg has been long and only now, nine months later, is she ready to do her first training session on snow.

The national team charges for training camp in Swiss Saas Fee 8-20 September.

- I was in Stockholm yesterday (Monday) and got the go-ahead to go skiing.

Now I'm going to Åre and run tests there and I hope it goes well, then it will be camp.

The 25-year-old has previously competed in all disciplines, but her strengths are slalom and giant slalom.