Teller Report

Azevedo made his resignation speech: will continue to defend the multilateral trading system

8/31/2020, 11:11:00 PM

  Azevedo expressed his resignation: the multilateral trading system is the pillar of global peace and prosperity and will continue to defend the multilateral trading system   On the 31st local time, Azevedo officially left his post as WTO Director-General. Azevedo said on his personal social media that serving as WTO Director-General is a great honor. At the end of his term, he wanted to The mes

  Azevedo expressed his resignation: the multilateral trading system is the pillar of global peace and prosperity and will continue to defend the multilateral trading system

  On the 31st local time, Azevedo officially left his post as WTO Director-General. Azevedo said on his personal social media that serving as WTO Director-General is a great honor. At the end of his term, he wanted to The message is: the multilateral trading system is the backbone of global peace and prosperity.

Rules-based trade remains the root of the order and predictability of international economic relations, driving investment, growth, development and job creation, and these things are more critical than ever.

  Azevedo emphasized that the reform process of the WTO must continue to meet the needs of the international community.

International cooperation is not easy, but it must meet the needs of the connected world.

Without cooperation, the situation in all countries will be worse.

He will continue to defend the multilateral trading system in all future positions.

(Headquarters reporter Zhu He)

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