Teller Report

Video editing, eating and vomiting... The big stomach king eating and broadcasting video was actually made like this

8/30/2020, 5:07:14 PM

  In recent years, a kind of "big stomach king" has become popular on the domestic Internet. In the video, some "big stomach king" bloggers can eat the food piled up in a single breath. "Big stomach king" uses exaggerated eating and broadcasting videos to gain attention, gain traffic and rewards. How can they eat?   1 "Big Stomach King" video became popular to attract eyeballs and earn traffic   ...

  In recent years, a kind of "big stomach king" has become popular on the domestic Internet. In the video, some "big stomach king" bloggers can eat the food piled up in a single breath. "Big stomach king" uses exaggerated eating and broadcasting videos to gain attention, gain traffic and rewards. How can they eat?

  1 "Big Stomach King" video became popular to attract eyeballs and earn traffic  

  How much food can you eat in one breath? Is it five kilograms of noodles? Or a pile of fried chicken, plus two huge burgers? A pile of food was placed in front of the camera and then swept away. With the emergence of short video and live broadcast industries worldwide, as a field of food video, the "big appetite king" that was first popular in Japan and South Korea has become popular in China in recent years.

  "Big stomach kings" get traffic and rewards by feasting on the camera; video viewers are also easily attracted by such exaggerated eating and broadcasting videos.

  Watching bloggers tasting food can often make people appetite, and fans can also get a sense of healing from watching the video. In fact, as early as 2016, when the "big appetite king" eating and broadcasting first emerged in China, it was not uncommon for a single video to watch over a million. After several years of accumulation, "Big Stomach King" has achieved a certain degree of development in terms of scale, quantity and operation mode. A well-known "Big Stomach King" anchor has more than four thousand fans on a single platform. Million. 2

  2 How was the "Big Stomach King" eating and broadcasting video filmed?

  However, when the "big stomach king" eating and broadcasting floods the Internet, many fans are also wondering, can a human stomach really hold so much food? How was the "Big Stomach King" filming video taken?

  Food blogger on a certain platform: Why would anyone make this kind of video? It’s a long process for the big stomach king to eat. It must be accelerated. With the same lighting, hairstyle, clothes, and lens, you don’t know how long I eat. After shooting so many times, this year I finally succeeded in challenging the big stomach king, although it was already three o'clock in the morning the next day. The food blogger explained how to complete a "big stomach king" video through personal practice. Under the circumstance of ensuring that the scene remains the same, eating at multiple intervals, and then through video editing, finally achieved the effect of eating all the food at once in 30 hours.

  A big stomach blogger on a certain platform: Get a few out and just eat and vomit.

  Eating first and then vomiting, eating while vomiting is also a routine tacitly reported by the center of the "big stomach king" video circle. The "big stomach king" in the video seemed to have eaten the 30 noodles in front of him, and ate every bite into his mouth. But in the video taken from another angle, the noodles stuffed into the mouth of the blogger were spit out in the trash can under the table. In the concept of promoting healthy eating, overeating can lead to weight gain and risk of digestive system, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; long-term artificial vomiting of "big stomach king" eating and broadcasting can also disrupt the body's normal eating mechanism .

  The original intention of "Big Stomach King" is to share delicious food and pass happiness to the audience, while at the same time gaining fans and rewards. However, relying on a large amount of eating to attract attention, invisibly harmed one's own body with personal practice, and may also convey a bad example of overeating to the online community.

  This week, when searching for keywords such as "big stomach king" and "eat and broadcast" on the video platform, suggestive words such as "rational diet" and "refusal to waste" appeared. Many creators of "Big Stomach King" video have tried to erase the "Big Stomach King" label, and have successively deleted the "Big Stomach King" eating and broadcasting videos they have uploaded. Because they were accused of serious waste and misleading consumption, the "big stomach king" eating and broadcasting and video platforms that have become the focus of public opinion have begun to rectify and improve.